Mountain pine beetle is a natural disturbance factor in pine forests of B.C. Historical outbreaks are expected and normal part of lodgepole pine ecosystems. The most recent large outbreak occurred from 1999 to 2015.
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The most recent mountain pine beetle outbreak was larger and more severe than previous historic recorded outbreaks for this insect. In the late 1990s, a large outbreak of mountain pine beetles impacted over 18 million hectares of pine forests in B.C. The area impacted by the mountain pine beetle has declined significantly since 2004. However, B.C. continues to recognize the importance of mountain pine beetle in forestry.
History of Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation in B.C. (PDF, 445KB)
The annual volume of timber killed by the mountain pine beetle has been declining since 2004. However, B.C. must continue managing this insect to protect its forests for the future.
The 2006 to 2011 Mountain Pine Beetle Action Plan guided provincial responses and helped coordinate government, communities, industries and First Nations. It addressed forestry and environmental issues as well as economic, social and cultural sustainability.