The larvae of the conifer sawfly are wasteful feeders of older foliage, meaning tree mortality is often limited during an infestation in B.C.
Conifer sawfly's larvae are often present from May to August and feed on older foliage. Tree mortality is uncommon unless repeated defoliations occur or if a sawfly infestation occurs at the same time as that of another defoliator that prefers new foliage. Outbreaks are typically short-lived.
The conifer sawfly is found in coastal and interior wet areas of British Columbia.
All ages of western hemlock and amabilis fir are common hosts with sitka spruce as a secondary host.
As the conifer sawfly prefers older foliage, damage is not severe but can include top-kill or radial growth loss.
Read more about the conifer sawfly in the Field Guide to Forest Damage in B.C. (PDF, 6.5MB)