VRI Data Standards

Last updated on February 24, 2025

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VRI data dictionary

This document describes all the collected, calculated and derived vri attributes within the Veg Comp Poly Rank 1 data Model.

Forest management land base definition

Forest Management Land Base Indicator (FMLB) is an attribute field to indicate whether the polygon is forested or has been forested and is capable of producing a stand of trees. This allows the user to filter out polygons that are traditionally considered non-productive such as lakes, rock and alpine. Polygons that have harvest history are included in the FMLB as well as any polygon with a site index greater than or equal to 5.

Ownership and schedule code (F_Own) 

This document describes ownership and schedule codes. Data was created as legislation requires that the Chief Forester and the Provincial Government know the forest inventory of the Province. Data is intended for timber supply analysis and high level resource management planning.

Consolidated cut blocks

The consolidated cut blocks dataset spatially depicts crown land cut blocks across the Province of British Columbia and provides the estimated year of harvest for each cut block.  It was designed to spatially combine the cut blocks identified in the VRI  (i.e. VEG_COMP_POLY dataset) with the cut blocks for other sources  that have not yet been included into the VRI but are known to exist.   The additional cut blocks are taken from the RESULTS database and the Landsat Change Detection dataset (produced annually by the Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch).

VDYP table information

VRI map standards

VRI and NFI compiler data dictionary

VRI data models and documents

This document describes each VRI data set and lists the attribute links and it's relationship to each other.

This document describes each VRI data set and lists the attribute links and it's relationship to each other. As well, it discuss how to join history and RESULTS tables.

Forest Inventory Planning File (FIP)

Historical forest inventory

Contact information

For more information on VRI Data Standards, contact: Manager, Inventory