Forest and Range Evaluation Program (FREP)

Last updated on July 12, 2024

FREP Banner Image, Photo Credit: Erica Reid The Forest and Range Evaluation Program (FREP) measures the effectiveness of forest and range practices by monitoring and evaluating the condition of resource values (or "subjects" under FRPA). Find an overview of the program and strategic priorities in the 3 Year Strategic Plan 2020/2021 (PDF, 2MB)

On this page

FREP Dashboard​ 

This allows you to view results of FREP monitoring for riparian, water quality, visual quality, stand level biodiversity, and cultural heritage resources. 

Click on the image or the button below to access results:

Go to FREP Dashboard

FREP Dashboard


FREP monitoring protocols

Resource values are identified in the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA). There are 11 resource values to be monitored under FRPA. 

Learn more by clicking the button below or image on the right-hand side:

Learn more

FREP Monitoring Protocols Image

Reports and Publications

All of the FREP Program reports and publications can be found at the webpage here.  Below is a listing of our newest publications.

What's New:

Last updated: February 27, 2024

Together for Wildlife - Action 10 Report



A new report has been published to the FREP reports and publication page:  Together for Wildlife - Action 10, Spatial Analysis of Disturbance within Habitat Designations in British Columbia.  This report provides a preliminary estimate of the extent and amount of natural (wildfires and insect damage) and anthropogenic (forest harvesting, various resource development infrastructure, and roads) disturbances in wildlife habitat designations (ungulate winter ranges, wildlife habitat areas, and conservation lands) across BC.

WSER Report #3


A new Watershed Status Evaluation Report (WSER) has been published.  This WSER presents results on the functioning condition of the Bii Wenii Kwa / Owen Creek Watershed, and provides recommendations for improving the condition.

FREP Report #44



A new FREP Report has been published which evaluates approaches to assess the effectiveness of mountain goat winter ranges in a coastal ecosystem.

FREP Extension Note #43



A new FREP Extension Note has been published to emphasize key criteria to consider when classifying streams for forestry activities.


Contact us:  For inquiries about the FREP program, please send an e-mail to: