Interior Douglas-fir tree breeding program

Last updated on August 19, 2024

The Interior Douglas-fir tree breeding program began in 1982 with the objective of producing improved and genetically diverse seed for planting on productive forest land in south-central British Columbia.

The breeding goal is to improve traits related to tree size (height, diameter and volume) while maintaining wood relative density near old growth values. The recent discovery of resistance to Armillaria root disease in Interior Douglas-fir suggests that resistance to root diseases could become an important trait of interest.

Inter-varietal (Coastal/Interior Douglas-fir) hybrids have shown to be hardy and fast growing in the Nelson low elevation zone. The Nelson second-generation breeding population has been augmented with high breeding value parents from the B.C. coastal breeding program and superior submaritime seed sources growing in the 40-year-old Trinity Valley range-wide Interior Douglas-fir provenance test.

Seed orchards were established in the North Okanagan in the early 1990s. In 2016, approximately 15.3 million (31 percent) of the 49.4 million Interior Douglas-fir seedlings scheduled for planting in B.C. came from seed orchards.



Douglas-fir progeny
Black and white photo of Dr. Allan Orr-Ewing standing beside a 4-metre-tall fir.

Dr. Allan Orr-Ewing, the first geneticist in the B.C. Forest Service, standing beside one of his wide-crossed Douglas-fir progeny.

Arranging a progeny trial
A researcher in a plaid shirt stands in a greenhouse surrounded by bags of seedlings.

Second-cycle interior Douglas-fir progeny trial being lifted and arranged into and experimental design. Each bag of seedlings is a unique family from a controlled cross.

Contact information

Contact the forest genetics research program