Seedlot Area of Use

Last updated on September 5, 2024

Seedlot Area of Use (AOU) - Spatial data

New spatial data in file geodatabase (gdb) format has been created for approximately 4000 seedlots. Use this link to download the data, which can then be used in ArcGIS applications.

Seedlot Area of Use (AOU) Spatial Data Locator

Every seedlot registered in the Seed Planning and Registry system and stored at the BC Tree Seed Centre has an "Area of Use", defined by application of the Chief Forester's Standards for Seed Use to the origin of a Seedlot.
  • Class A Seedlots (from Seed Orchards) -  a Tested Parent Tree AOU (eg. Pli PG Low) applies to most (combinations of Seed Planning Units). Some older Class A seedlots have a custom elevation range
  • Class B Seedlots (Natural Stand Collections) - The AOU is a combination of Seed Planning Zone, Elevation Range, Biogeoclimatic Zone and/or Latitude/Longitude Range
  • Class B+ Seedlots (from Superior Provenances - The AOU is a combination of Seed Planning Zones and Elevation Range
Seedlot AOU spatial data locator map

Launch the Seedlot AOU Spatial Data Locator Map to download zipped gdb files.

Contact information

Contact us for more information about the Seedlot AOU Spatial Data.