Priority processing

Last updated on July 23, 2024

The Tree Seed Centre prioritizes processing collections of western redcedar, western hemlock and, red alder, birch and Populus species due to their low level of seed dormancy.

Clients may request that seedlots be processed on a priority basis if:

  • The seedlot must be immediately available for seedling production
  • There are concerns with pre-germination or pest activity

The Tree Seed Centre may not process a priority request immediately (for example, Abies spp.) if cones are still moist and seed quality could be compromised by priority processing.

Please advise the Tree Seed Centre in writing by early fall of all seedlots to be processed as a priority, even if seedlots are processed at a private facility. A priority request includes cone and seed processing, testing, registration, storage, withdrawal, preparation for use and transport. The written request must include the reason for the priority status and, if for seedling production, the approximate sowing date.

If a priority request for a seedlot to be used is received before germination testing is complete, a species average (SA) or seedlot estimate (SE) germination will be used to calculate potential seedlings and grams required.

An SE germination is used when clients have prior information about a seedlot or historic information about the germination of seedlots from a specific orchard.

Every effort will be made to expedite your request. However, there are minimum time requirements to extract, process, test and prepare (stratify or pellet) seed for sowing.

 See below the specific priority processing guidelines for cone collections:

Contact information

Refer to the Tree Seed Centre contact list to find out who to contact for specific information. Call or email the Tree Seed Centre for general enquiries.