ARIS Search Help

Last updated on March 18, 2024

This page offers help and information about searching the ARIS database through the web search feature. Explanations and guidance are provided for the search parameters, the results table, the detailed summary report, and associated links.

For further information on mineral assessment reports or the search tool, please contact one of the Mineral Assessment Geoscientists

Search Parameters


Max Records

Use the Max Records drop-down list, located in the upper right of the page, to select the maximum number of records to be returned from the search: 50, 100, 500, or all. The default is set to 100 records.  Searches to return ‘all’ records may run slowly if a large number of reports match the search criteria. 


AR Number (Assessment report number)

Assessment Report numbers are a sequential set of numbers, one for each Assessment Report. Enter the desired Assessment Report number (exact match). For example: 312 or 6552 or 28946.  Rejected report numbers are not accessible and will return 0 records.

Accepted value: 1-5 digits


Off Confidential Date Range

The off confidential date is the date when approved report files become publicly available. The off confidential date is one year from the statement of work (event) date.  The statement of work (event) date is the date that work is registered with the Gold Commissioner's office (Mineral Titles Branch).

Accepted format: YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD


Statement of Work (Event) Number

The statement of work (event) number is the number issued by Mineral Titles Online after a successful registration of technical exploration and development work/expiry date change. 

Accepted value: exact or partial number match


Statement of Work (Event) Date Range

The statement of work (event) date is the date that work is registered with the Gold Commissioner's office (Mineral Titles Branch).

Accepted format: YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD


Claim Name/Number

Claim names or tenure numbers listed for each report indicate the claims worked on.  Claims may be described by names or numbers. The recent convention identifies the claims by the unique tenure number.

Accepted value: exact or partial name match, exact number match


Individual - Author/Operator/Owner 

There are name(s) associated with each assessment report. Names include authors, owners, and operators. The author is the individual(s) who wrote the assessment report, the owner is the individual and/or company that had title to the claims when the work was recorded, and the operator is the individual and/or company who paid for the work performed on the claims. There can be multiple authors, operators, and owners for an assessment report.

When executing this search, any combination of author, owner and/or operator can be selected. If no type is selected, the search will run on all three (author, owner, and operator). 

Name format is Surname, Given Name(s) and/or Initial(s) or Company Name

Partial name searches can be performed.


Property Name

The property name refers to the name the operator uses for the property/project. There is one property name associated with each assessment report. Prior to 1986 property names were not captured in the ARIS database.

Partial property name searches can be performed.


Mining Division

The province of BC is divided into 24 mining divisions. To view the drop-down list, click on the downward arrow at the right of the field box.  To make your selection click on one Mining Division name.  An assessment report can reside in up to three mining divisions, however, you can only search by one mining division at a time.

Mining division locations can be viewed on MapPlace 2 by selecting and expanding folder Administrative Boundaries and selecting layer Mining Division.  


Mining Camp

The province of BC contains 53 mining camps denoting areas of concentrated exploration and/or mining. To view the drop-down list, click on the downward arrow at the right of the field box.  To make your selection click on one Mining Camp name.  An assessment report may only reside in one mining camp. 


NTS Map Number

The province of BC is split into 1:50K mapsheets according to the National Topographic System (NTS). Searches are possible on partial NTS block names. Mapsheet numbers can be a combination of numbers (N) and characters (C).

Accepted value(s): 
3 digits, syntax = NNN  Example:104, 083
4 digits, syntax = NNNC  Example: 092B, 104H
6 digits, syntax = NNNCNN  Example: 104B01, 093A04
7 digits, syntax = NNNCNNC  Example: 082E02W, 104B15E, 092H11W to identify the east (E) and west (W) halves of the sheet.

NTS mapsheets can be viewed on MapPlace 2 by selecting and expanding folder Base Maps, and subfolder Map Grid, then selecting the layers Grid – 1:50K Mapsheets and Grid – 1:50k Mapsheets (labels).  Note: Some layers are not selectable at all map scales.  If a layer does not appear in the folder list, try zooming in.


BCGS Map Number

The province of BC is split into 1:20K mapsheets according to the British Columbia Geographic System (BCGS). Searches are possible on partial BCGS block names. Mapsheet numbers can be a combination of numbers (N) and characters (C).

Accepted value(s): 
3 digits, syntax = NNN  Example:104, 083
4 digits, syntax = NNNC  Example: 092B, 104H
7 digits, syntax = NNNCNNN  Example: 104B010, 093A048

BCGS mapsheets can be viewed on MapPlace 2 by selecting and expanding folder Base Maps, and subfolder Map Grid, then selecting the layers Grid – 1:20K Mapsheets and Grid – 1:20k Mapsheets (labels).  Note: Some layers are not selectable at all map scales.  If a layer does not appear in the folder list, try zooming in.



A MINFILE number is assigned to each known mineral occurrence in the province. MINFILEs which are associated to assessment reports (generally all MINFILEs which occur within the exploration property at the time of the report submission) are recorded in the ARIS database.  MINFILE numbers are a combination of numbers (N) and characters (C). 

Accepted value(s): 
9 characters, syntax = NNNCCCNNN or NNNC>>NNN  
For example, 092ISE023, 094C>>110    
> denotes mandatory blank space(s)

Searches are possible on partial MINFILE numbers.


General Work

An assessment report can include work in one or more of the general work types listed. Use the scroll bar at the right side of the list to see more types. Click a general work type to select it. Press and hold the ctrl key then click desired general work types to select more than one.


Specific Work

The specific work type field provides details of the type of work documented in the assessment report. An assessment report can be associated with multiple specific work types. Use the scroll bar at the right side of the list to see more types. Click a specific work type to select it. Press and hold the ctrl key then click desired specific work types to select more than one.



A latitude/longitude coordinate is recorded for each report indicating the location of the work done. Searches can be done on a range of latitude and/or longitude in NAD83/WGS84 either as decimal degrees or degrees/minutes/seconds. 

Latitude range accepted values: between 48.30 and 60.00
Decimal degrees examples: 48.50, 49.02583 
Degrees/minutes/seconds examples: 48 30 00,  49 01 33

Longitude range accepted values: between -139.06 and -114.03
Decimal degrees examples: -114.01, -135.53333
Degrees/minutes/seconds examples: 114 00 40,  135 32 00



The ARIS database records keywords associated with each assessment report. Keyword data capture commenced in April 1989 and replaces the geological summary associated with older assessment reports.

The keyword list is arranged alphabetically; click in the keywords field and start typing a keyword. A selection list will appear containing all keywords beginning with the letters entered. Use the scroll bar or arrows on the keyboard to navigate to the desired keyword. Click the keyword in the list or press enter to add it to Selected Keywords. Repeat these steps to select all keyword you wish to search on. The keyword must appear under Selected Keywords to be included in the search.

Select the button Any Keywords (default) to search records that have any of the keywords selected. Select the button All Keywords to only search for records that have all of the selected keywords.



The ARIS database records commodities associated with each assessment report. Please be aware that commodity information is not available for all reports (many reports from before 1990 do not have commodities populated). 

Commodities include elements such as gold, zinc, copper as well as materials such as aggregate, zeolite, gemstones. 

Commodities may be searched for by commodity name or code.  A list of commodity names and codes can be found in the commodity report.  For many element commodities, the code is the chemical symbol for that element, for example: Au for gold, Cu for copper, Zn for zinc.     

The commodity list is arranged alphabetically by commodity name; click in the commodities field and start typing a commodity. A selection list will appear containing all commodities beginning with the letters or code entered. Use the scroll bar or arrows on the keyboard to navigate to the desired commodity. Click the commodity in the list or press enter to add it to Selected Commodities. Repeat these steps to select all commodities you wish to search on. The commodities must appear under Selected Commodities to be included in the search.

Select the button Any Commodities (default) to search records that have any of the commodities selected. Select the button All Commodities to only search for records that have all of the selected commodities.

Results Table

When a search is completed a tabular report of the results is displayed. The table displays metadata recorded for each report: Assessment Report Number (AR#), Claims, Property Name, Mining Division(s), Mining Camp, NTS mapsheet number(s) (NTS Maps), BCGS mapsheet number(s) (BCGS Maps), MINFILE number(s) (Minfile Nos), Latitude Longitude (in degrees minutes seconds), General Work type(s), Off Confidential (date as YYYY/MM/DD), File(s) as links to available .pdf and/or .zip packages, Pages (number of pages in a file), and File Size (in kB).

The selected search criteria is displayed at the top left of the table and the number of records returned out of the total number of records found is displayed at the top right of the table.

To modify the search, click the ‘Refine Search’ button and adjust the search parameters. The number of records displayed can also then be adjusted (50, 100, 500, or all).

Click the ‘New Search’ button to return to a blank search page.

Click the ‘Export Results’ button to download a .csv file of the results of the search.

The results table is set to display 10 records per page by default.  This can be adjusted at the bottom of the table (options are 10, 20, or 50 records per page). Navigate through the pages of results by clicking through the page numbers below the table.

Click the header title of any column to sort the table results by that column.  Clicking the header title again will switch the sort from ascending to descending based on that column. 

Results Table Links

The results table includes links to the Detailed Summary Report, MINFILE records, and Report Files.


Detailed Summary Report

Click the report number in the AR # column to view the Detailed Summary Report for that assessment report.

The Detailed Summary Report provides a detailed list of the report metadata: Property Name, File(s) if available, Location coordinates, NTS and BCGS map sheet numbers, Mining Division(s), Mining Camp, Title of report, Report Year, Number of Pages in the report, Statement of Work (event) number(s), Affidavit (statement of work event) date, Off Confidential date, Claim name(s)/number(s), General Work Categories, Operators, Owners, Authors, MINFILE Nos (MINFILE numbers as links), Commodities, Work Done (Specific Work Types with quantities), Keywords, Related Reports (as links to the detailed summary report), File(s) if available, and the Geological Summary (for reports entered prior to March 1989).

To access the report .pdf click the file link below the property name or in the File(s) row. If there is no link, the report is not currently available.  Files <100MB will open in a browser window.  For files >100MB clicking the link will trigger a download.    

The file name(s) associated with a report record will begin with the 5-digit AR number. If the .pdf file(s) contain letters after the AR number it commonly signifies that the full report is made up of several files. For example: 34927A.pdf, 34927B.pdf, 34927C.pdf.    

Digital data .zip files will contain the 5-digit AR number followed by ‘’ and may also be separated into multiple files due to size considerations, utilizing a different letter. For example:,,  Clicking the link will trigger a download for the zip file. 



Click a MINFILE number in the Minfile Nos column to go to the summary page for that MINFILE occurrence (opens in a new browser tab).



Click a file.pdf link in the File(s) column to view the report (Files <100MB will open in a browser window.  For files >100MB clicking the link will trigger a download).  If there are .zip links in the File(s) column there are digital data associated with this report available for download. Not all reports have associated digital data available.

If the Files field is blank the report is not currently available.

The file name(s) associated with a report record will begin with the 5-digit AR number. If the .pdf file(s) contain letters after the AR number it commonly signifies that the full report is made up of several files. For example: 34927A.pdf, 34927B.pdf, 34927C.pdf.      

Digital data .zip files will contain the 5-digit AR number followed by ‘’ and may also be separated into multiple files due to size considerations, utilizing a different letter. For example:,,