Online Mapping Applications

Last updated on February 28, 2025

There are a variety of resources available through Government online data services available for our clients, as well as, the general public's use. These resources are provided by both internal and external agencies to the Ministry and are sites that allow you to gain access to data via keyword searches, for example identification numbers or location, and/or through the use of online maps.

Please Note: These resources (which are indicated below) are helpful when locating or identifying specific interests around your titles, as some of the information may or may not be apparent when utilizing Mineral Titles Online (MTO).

Getting Started

Due to the number of resources available, you may find it helpful to begin your search using DataBC. DataBC is an excellent resource to use when you want more information on Provincial data, applications, and geographic services offering access to open data whenever possible.

If you are unsure where to begin your search for data, how to begin the mapping process, or would like to determine which agency to contact for specific datasets, we suggest you visit or contact DataBC.

Other resources available.


Mineral Titles Online (MTO)

Mineral Titles Online (MTO) is an Internet-based mineral titles administration system that allows the acquisition and maintenance of mineral titles through selection of an area on a seamless digital GIS map of British Columbia. MTO is an excellent resource available to the public which also allows you to search for title information through the use of keywords or maps.

  • MTO Map Viewers – MTO is a system that includes online map viewers for Mineral, Placer and Coal Tenure for the province. On these dynamic maps you can locate titles alongside a variety of layers, some of which include Reserves, Administrative Boundaries, Surveyed Parcels, First Nations information and Base Layers such as cities, rivers, and roads. These viewers allow you to change the visual information displayed on the map according to your specific search.

iMap BC

MapBC is an online map viewer for British Columbia that gives you access to a variety of datasets (including data from Mineral Titles) hosted in the BC Geographic Warehouse. This tool allows you to work with and view data in an interactive environment and has basic GIS capacity, which will allow you to use simple query and analysis tools.

If you are looking to generate map printouts, iMapBC provides you with more advanced markup and analytical tools,   and will also allow you to upload your own shapefiles; if this is your desired outcome iMapBC may be a more  appropriate resource to utilize.


Integrated Land and Resource Registry (ILRR)

The Integrated Land and Resource Registry (ILRR) is the single legal register of all rights and interests on Crown land  and information on private lands for the Province. The ILRR gives clients access to comprehensive and accurate legal rights for land and resources.

Important to note - in order to use this service you require:

  1. Public Users - need Basic BCeID ID and password to logon as a Guest User. As a guest user you will only be able to access the Map Viewer portion of ILRR.
  2. Internal Government Users - use your IDIR user ID and password to logon to ILRR. As an IDIR user you will   have full access to the ILRR.
  3. External Business Users - for all businesses and organizations. Use your Business BCeID user ID and password to logon to ILRR. As a Business BCeID user you will have full access to the ILRR.

If you do not have a BCeID, you can register for an account.

ILRR has a training guide to help you understand how to use ILRR and provide answers to questions such as "how can I perform a land status for my mineral/placer claim(s)?"

Also refer to the Landowner Notification information for further resources and guidance for land statusing for claims. By following the Landowner Notification Information link you can also learn more about procedures and legislation.



MapPlaceBC Geological Survey and provides access to maps and databases by the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Natural Gas. Through MapPlace there are many operations that can be performed, and the program will allow you to create reports or download data.



MapView is an online map service provided by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. It offers a variety in layers of data including: Admin Boundaries, Silviculture, Forest Tenure, Forest Regions and Districts. If you were looking to find other interests that are near to your mineral claims, this would be a good place to look.

Note: Access to the MapView web site requires a BCeID account. 

        If you do not have a BCeID, you can register for a BCeID account.

Having a BCeID will allow you to have access to multiple online government services and will provide convenience, security, and privacy. For more information, you can visit the BCeID homepage.

For help using MapView, select the  help button in the top right corner of MapView for a description of each of the tabs and buttons that are made available to the user.


Community Mapping Network (CMN)

The Community Mapping Network (CMN) was created to promote the planning of sustainable communities and provide a platform for sharing natural resource information and maps with communities in British Columbia. The site contains data from many sources and makes it easily accessible through a user friendly mapping interface. There are also selected thematic maps available and province wide coverage for all watercourses, fish distribution, and coastal resources among others.


Management of Survey Control Operations and Tasks (MASCOT)

MASCOT is a geodetic database management and processing system based on Oracle, C, PL/SQL and FORTRAN numerical computing within a Sun Microsystem Solaris computer architecture. The MASCOT Website provides access to the final product on the database.

Note: In order to use MASCOT, a subscription is required which allows the user to access the MASCOT database and download data up to the subscription limit.

  • If you do not have an account to access BCACS data, but would like to apply you must request a new BCACS Account