Mineral Titles Related Links

Last updated on August 19, 2022

Permitting | notice of work

Permitting information related to mineral and coal exploration activities, placer mines, and smaller-scale industrial minerals mines and aggregate pits/quarries.

Health and safety

Mining is one of British Columbia's safest heavy industries, and the Province is committed to ensuring that B.C. remains a world leader in mine health and safety practices.

Physical work template

Section 15 of the Mineral Tenure Act Regulation sets out reporting requirements for physical work.  A template is available to help you compile your physical work report.

Technical work report digital data

Section 16 of the Mineral Tenure Act Regulation sets out reporting requirements for technical work.  While your technical assessment report is still submitted to the Mineral Titles office, the Geologic Survey Branch is accepting any digital data files (spreadsheets, databases, maps, grids) used or created for the technical work in an assessment report. 

Landowner notification

Section 19 of the Mineral Tenure Act requires the notification of private land owners before entering private land for any mining activity.

Tantalis GATOR

Gator is an online database regarding British Columbia Crown Lands.

Land Title and Survey Authority (LTSA)

The LTSA online database regarding British Columbia private lands.


Government web mapping application. Interact and question data directly using browser based tools that we provide. The viewable content is supplied directly from source agencies responsible for data accuracy.

Geological databases

Various databases published by the British Columbia Geological Survey such as MapPlace, MinFile, ARIS, and Coal Reports.


An online service that makes it possible for you to use your user ID and password to sign in securely to BCeID participating Government Online Services.

FrontCounter BC

FrontCounter BC and Natural Resource Online Services, the one-stop information hub for all Natural Resource Services

Service BC

Front line support for many of the hundreds of programs and services the provincial government offers to residents, businesses and visitors.