Mineral and Placer Title Notices

Last updated on February 28, 2025

Notices that are specific to Mineral or Placer Titles. Includes exploration and development work, FMC suspensions, lease applications and title complaints.


General notices

The following are links to supplementary documents and information to legislation, procedures and news bulletins pertaining to Mineral and Placer Titles:


October 2010

The Ministry is proceeding with amendments to the Mineral Tenure Act relating to the administration of tenures and the Mineral Titles Online (MTO) process.


June 2008

Amendments to the Mineral Tenure Act bring into force landowner notification effective June 2, 2008.

May 6, 2008

Uranium and Thorium Reserve


January 2008

Information & Resources to help locate/navigate to legacy claim boundaries as defined on Mineral Titles Online (MTO) maps.


Cell availability - early release

The Ministry has chosen to alter the date of availability of some abandoned or reduced cells. 


Exploration and development work

Reports on Exploration and Development under section 33 of the Mineral Tenure Act


FMC suspension

Notice of Free Miners who have had their Free Miner Certificates suspended under Section 10 of the Mineral Tenure Act



Lease applications


Surface rights board

Decisions related to the right of entry and compensation, and road use under the Coal Act, Mineral Tenure Act and Mining Right of Way Act.


Title complaints

Listing of complaints as to valid title