Mineral Titles Online (MTO) map viewer has being upgraded. Since implementation, MTO has been using a mapping software called Internet Mapping Framework (IMF).
Replacement software includes Common Web Mapping (CWM) and Internet Map Framework 2 (IMF2). Two map services are offered to ensure clients have access to all the tools they are used to using with the current MTO map viewer. The upgrade affects the Mineral Map, Placer Map and Coal Map.
CWM is the map viewer used for title and reserve site searches and event registrations where a map is provided to select cells or titles. This includes event registrations such as acquisition, reduction and subdivision.
IMF2 is the mapping and query tool map viewer. This service provides tools for map creation, drawing or markup, and printing. This viewer also allows for detailed searches of mineral, placer and coal titles; mineral and coal land reserves; primary parcels; crown grants or wildlife features among others.
* MTO IMF2 is based off of the mobile version of iMapBC
As an end user, we understand that you will need to learn and become familiar with how to operate both of the new map viewers. Please review the MTO Help Guide, Transition documents and the Quick Guides posted to our branch website.
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