Justice Services' publications

Last updated on September 17, 2024

Civil and Criminal Policy and Legislation Division


Family Justice Services Division

Child Support Recalculation Service

Children and Separation and Divorce

Comprehensive Child Support Services Pilot Project

Custody and Access Report Program


Early Resolution and Case Management Model

The following report presents the evaluation findings for the Early Resolution and Case Management Model (ER-CM Model or the Model):

The report was developed:

  • By the Ministry of Attorney General with the Provincial Court of BC
  • For addressing family matters proceeding through the Victoria Registry of the Provincial Court

The evaluation covered the time period from the Model’s launch (May 13, 2019) to July 2021. For court data on outcomes, particular focus was given to cases started between August 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019.

Family Justice Dispute Resolution Program

Family Justice Registry (Rule 5) Pilot Project

Justice Access Centres

Parenting After Separation

Other Family Justice Reports

Other Ministry Reports