Third Party Reporting for Victims of Sexual Offences

Last updated on June 8, 2021

If you are a victim of a sexual offence in British Columbia and are 19 or older, you may be able to report the crime through a third party so you remain anonymous to the police. 

Third party reporting is when someone else reports the crime to the police. It allows victims who do not want to report the crime directly to ensure police receive a report about the crime.  

In B.C., victims of sex crimes may report their assault to police through a community-based victim- service program.  

How Third Party Reporting Works

First, you tell a community-based victim service program the details of the crime. The program is the third party. They work with police without giving them your personal information. Once the third party files the report on your behalf, police evaluate the facts, start an investigation and take other actions that are appropriate, such as patrolling the area where the crime occurred.

This way of reporting protects your identity and also allows police to get information they need.  For example, if police learn additional details about the crime through their investigation, such as the name of the offender, or if other victims have come forward, the third party can act as a go-between for police to get information from you. It is your decision whether or not to work directly with police.

Only victim service workers in community-based victim service programs can file third party reports. If you are considering using third party reporting, make sure you select a community-based victim service program and not a police-based victim service program (which do not allow third party reporting). To find a community-based victim service program in your area, contact VictimLinkBC.

More Information

For more information, visit:

  • VictimLinkBC - 24 hour information and referral to a local victim service program.
  • Victim Services in B.C. - Ministry of Justice - provides information about all victim services programs offered throughout B.C. This website will help you find community-based and police-based programs in your area.
  • Ending Violence Association of B.C. - provides information sheets about third party reporting and community-based and police-based programs.
  • - provides information about reporting sexual or domestic assault. This website also provides information and support to victims and witnesses of crime.
Criminal Justice Glossary

Check our alphabetical list of criminal justice terms along with their definitions.