Under the direction of the director of Police Services, the Provincial Municipal Policing Transition Study Committee was convened to ensure key issues and complex details were thoroughly addressed in the City of Surrey’s municipal policing transition plan, and to inform the recommendations to the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General regarding the establishment of a new Surrey Police Department.
The Report of the Provincial Municipal Policing Transition Study Committee summarizes the six major issues related to the City of Surrey’s policing transition plan, mandated to be studied by the Committee, and provides commentary on the steps necessary to ensure the policing transition is orderly and completed effectively with due regard for the importance of maintaining public safety throughout the process. Areas of focus include:
The Illegal Firearms Task Force was convened to examine the acquisition, use and possession of illegal firearms in British Columbia. Over a period of several months, Task Force subject matter experts worked to identify the associated public safety risks of illegal firearms and to develop potential solutions that build on existing legislation, programs and strategies. The Illegal Firearms Task Force Final Report outlines key findings and recommendations for action that seek to reduce the often violent impact caused by illegal firearms in our communities.
Their recommendations fall within 4 themes:
Emergency Communications Service Delivery in British Columbia: Police Communication Centres and 911 PSAP – 2015 is a discussion paper that outlines the background, challenges, and strategic vision for emergency communications service delivery involving 911 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). It seeks input from key stakeholders in order to inform the future of emergency communications across the province.
An in-person consultation forum was held in Vancouver on June 1, 2015, seeking feedback from key stakeholders on the Ministry’s strategic vision for emergency communications in British Columbia. The Strategic Vision Summary of Consultation Comments document summaries the feedback from this consultation forum.
Released in 2014, Getting Serious About Crime includes recommendations for government to use a more cohesive, collaborative approach to prevent and reduce crime. Areas of focus include:
Getting Serious About Crime Reduction - Blue Ribbon Panel on Crime Reduction - released in 2014
The Policing and Security Branch evaluates compliance with standards, and inspects and reports on the quality of policing in British Columbia.
In 2020, Policing and Security Branch conducted a compliance evaluation focused on standards related to use-of-force training. The report to the Director of Police Services, was completed in January 2022.
In 2019, the Policing and Security Branch conducted a review of the Vancouver Police Department Jail. The review was initiated in response to a request by the Police Complaint Commissioner, and was aimed at identifying additional changes to policies and procedures, training, and leadership and supervision that could be recommended to further enhance the prevention of excessive use of force. The Review of Vancouver Police Department (VPD) Jail report was completed in February 2020.
In 2017, the Policing and Security Branch reviewed the Independent Investigations Office (IIO), under the authority of s.42 of the Police Act. A key focus of the review was the IIO’s readiness to meet provincial policing standards for Major Case Management, which take effect in 2019. The Report of the s. 42 Review of the Independent Investigations Office makes 13 recommendations.
In 2009, Policing and Security Branch reviewed the resource deployment, call load, response time and use of force of the Victoria Police Department. It also compared service levels between the City of Victoria and the Township of Esquimalt, the two communities policed by the Victoria Police Department.
The following reviews are the division’s findings and recommendations:
The Criminal Code provides a limited justification for otherwise illegal acts and omissions committed by law enforcement officers (and those acting under their direction) while investigating an offence under federal law, enforcing a federal law, or investigating criminal activity.
The Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General publishes an annual report on the use of specific portions of the Criminal Code's law enforcement justification provisions by municipal police departments and agencies operating in British Columbia.