Community Service Ordered by the Downtown Community Court

Last updated on June 16, 2020


Vancouver Community Court

Community service is non-profit work the court may assign to individuals who have committed an offence. These hours can be ordered by the court as part of the offender’s sentence, or be a requirement of an alternative measures plan. The offender is assigned a specified number of community service hours to be completed within a specified time.

There are two approaches to community service at the court. As part of their service hours, offenders may be required to work on a street crew supervised by a probation officer. The street crew cleans parts of the court’s catchment area, which can involve picking up litter, watering plants, removing gum from sidewalks, and other general labor.

Alternately, community court may require offenders to complete service hours working with one of the court’s partner agencies. Performing service hours with partner agencies can help offenders:

  • Develop pro-social skills
  • Make amends for the harm they have done the community
  • Access community services that can help them deal with root causes of their offending behavior

Community service partners include: