Where can I find out more about interpreters and the court process?

Last updated on February 20, 2025

These resources and services will provide you with more information about court process:

  • Multicultural organizations provide information in many languages. They may be able to help you arrange for an interpreter
  • Your local library or community centre can tell you about multicultural groups in your area. Your local library will also have a range of booklets about the law in languages other than English
  • Clicklaw will link you to information on the court process in languages other than English. This includes: Arabic, Chinese, Farsi (Persian), French, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese
  • If you prefer resources in a language other than English, go to the MOSAIC Legal Advocacy Program website.
  • Court Information Program for Immigrants provides free legal information and referrals to new immigrants and refugees. Services are available in English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Punjabi, Hindi and Spanish. Phone 604-760-5727 in Greater Vancouver and 1-866-550-2474 elsewhere in B.C.
  • ImmigrantLegal.ca provides free legal information and education on legal topics for newcomers to Canada and the people working with them