Going to Supreme Court

Last updated on June 26, 2024

Only Supreme Court can handle divorce and most property division issues. If you need to apply to court for an order about one of these issues, you must go to Supreme Court. The Supreme Court can deal with all family law issues. Provincial Court can only handle property division issues relating to a companion animal.

Divorces are granted under the federal Divorce Act. If you are seeking a divorce, you can apply to the Supreme Court to settle your other family law issues, such as support and parenting arrangements, under:

The Family Law Act is usually better for settling these issues because it is tailored to respond to the needs of families.

Legal Aid BC's Family Law in BC website has information about:

  • Going to court 
  • Court processes
  • How to apply for orders in court

The explanations about court processes will interest anyone going to Supreme Court, with or without a lawyer.