Hazard, risk and vulnerability analysis document library

Last updated on April 30, 2024

The Hazard, risk and vulnerability analysis (HRVA) tool includes a number of guides, worksheets and other resources that can be used within the tool, or offline by downloading them below.


Online User Guide (PDF, 1.5MB) — this provides information on how to navigate the functionality of the HRVA tool. 

Companion Guide (PDF, 4.2MB) — this is the comprehensive guide to the 9-step process outlined in the HRVA tool. It is the ‘offline’ version of the HRVA tool and supports the tool by providing more in-depth information on various HRVA considerations such as climate change and risk reduction strategies.

Hazard Reference Guide (PDF, 1.9MB) — this guide provides information on each of the 57 hazards listed in the HRVA tool, including definitions and links to subject matter expert sources. This information can help communities identify likelihood and consequence scores for each hazard as well as build hazard scenarios.


For every input field in the HRVA tool there is a corresponding worksheet. Worksheets were created to be used offline, in the field, so that you can print them or work with them on the computer when not logged into the HRVA tool.

Example report

The HRVA tool is designed to produce a report based on the information entered by communities. The sample report for ‘Anytown, B.C.’ shows what the HRVA report looks like when the HRVA tool is used to it’s full potential.