The production services tax credit is a refundable corporate income tax credit for accredited production corporations that produce accredited film or video productions in British Columbia (B.C.). The credits are available to both domestic and foreign producers and there is no Canadian content requirement.
The production services tax credit program consists of four tax credits with the following tax credit rates:
To calculate the amount of tax credit you are eligible for, multiply your qualified B.C. labour expenditure by its applicable tax credit rate.
As previously announced on December 12, 2024, Budget 2025 proposes, subject to the approval of the legislature:
Subject to the approval of the legislature, Budget 2025 proposes to restore the regional and distant location tax credits for animation productions where:
Animation productions that began principal photography between June 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024 are not eligible for the regional and distant location tax credits.
For more information on these changes, see the Frequently asked questions page.
Animation productions that began principal photography before June 1, 2024 have different eligibility criteria and different calculations that determine if they are eligible for the regional and distant location tax credits.
Inspectors from the certifying authority may visit the corporation’s offices and inspect or copy records to verify an animation production is eligible for the regional or distant location tax credits. Non-compliance with the requirements may result in the denial or revocation of the production corporation’s accreditation certificate and require repayment of film and television tax credits paid.
Before you can claim the credits, you must obtain an accreditation certificate from Creative BC. This includes:
To learn more about this deadline and recent changes and view examples​, visit the production services tax credit frequently asked questions page.
Note: if you file the pre-certification form with Creative BC after 120 days from the date you incurred your first ABCLE, you cannot claim any ABCLE incurred before the date you submitted the pre-certification form.
We strongly recommend you submit your accreditation certificate application to Creative BC within 12 months of your corporation’s taxation year end.
Creative BC cannot guarantee that an application submitted later than 12 months after your taxation year end will be processed in time for you to file with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) before the deadline, which may result in your production services tax credit claim being denied.
You can claim the credit(s) by:
A separate T1197 form and accreditation certificate is required for each production. Enter the total amount of credits from all productions you're claiming on line 672 on Schedule 5, Tax Calculation Supplementary - Corporations.
For tax years beginning on or after February 19, 2020:
For tax years beginning before February 19, 2020:
Note: The CRA must receive the T1197 form and accreditation certificate for each production by the filing deadline for each tax year or your production services tax credit may be denied.
You can use Creative BC’s PSTC Deadline Calculator to determine your production’s pre-certificate, certificate and tax credit claim deadlines.
The credit is fully refundable, but must first be applied against total income tax payable. There are no carry-back or carry-forward provisions.
The following legislation applies to the production services tax credit program:
Contact Creative BC with your questions about eligibility, applications and certificates.
604-736-7997 (Vancouver)
For information about the federal tax credit for Canadian film or video production services, see the Canada Revenue Agency website.
Get answers to your questions about the production services tax credit.
Contact us about policy and legislation questions for film tax credits.
250-387-3332 (Victoria)
1-877-387-3332 (Toll free in Canada)
Contact Canada Revenue Agency about B.C. or federal tax credit claims.
1-866-317-0473 (Vancouver)