You may be able to reduce your taxes if you have eligible exploration expenses or you’re eligible for any of the following tax allowances, credits or exemptions:
You cannot use allowances or credits from one mine to reduce the tax owing on other mines.
Because you can’t claim interest on the capital invested in your mine, you can claim an investment allowance while your mine is in commercial production.
The investment allowance is calculated using the average balance of your Cumulative Expenditure Account (CEA) for the fiscal year. To determine your allowance, multiply the average balance of your CEA by your investment allowance rate. You claim this allowance when you file your mineral tax return.
Budget 2025 proposes an extension of the new mine allowance for five years, until December 31, 2030.
The new mine allowance encourages the development of new mines and eligible expansion projects. You can claim this allowance if:
The new mine allowance is calculated as 1/3 of your eligible capital expenditures from the development of the new mine or expansion project. Once your new mine has begun commercial operations for the first time or your expansion is complete, add this amount to your Cumulative Expenditure Account (CEA) when you file your mineral tax return.
Note: For expansion projects, the new mine allowance can be claimed the year after the expansion is complete, if all criteria are met.
The cumulative tax credit is a reduction of Net Revenue Tax based on the Net Current Proceeds Tax you’ve paid. This credit ensures that you only pay one of the two taxes.
All of the Net Current Proceeds Tax you pay is tracked in your Cumulative Tax Credit Account (CTCA). In future years when you pay Net Revenue Tax, you can claim the cumulative tax credit on your mineral tax return. The balance in your CTCA will then be deducted from the Net Revenue Tax you owe for the year.
The reclamation tax credit is a refund of previously paid Net Revenue Tax. You’re eligible for this credit if your mine has reclamation costs but no current income to claim them against. For example, if you have reclamation costs but your mine has closed.
To claim this credit, you must add your reclamation costs to your Reclamation Cost Account by completing a Reclamation Cost Election Schedule (PDF, 230KB). The deadline to add reclamation costs to this account is six months after your mine's fiscal year end. You claim the reclamation tax credit when you file your mineral tax return.
Under the Nisga’a Nation Taxation Agreement a mine operating on or under Nisga’a Lands is exempt from provincial Mineral Tax.
You may be eligible for provincial sales tax (PST) exemptions or the following income tax credits:
To determine your investment allowance rate use the online investment allowance rate calculator.