Beginning April 1, 2024, large industrial operations regulated by the Ministry of Energy and Climate Solutions are subject to the B.C. Output-Based Pricing System (B.C. OBPS). Instead of paying carbon tax on qualifying facility-use fuels and combustibles, industrial operations registered in the B.C. OBPS pay a carbon price for their regulated emissions that exceed annual limits.
The B.C. OBPS program is administered by the Ministry of Energy and Climate Solutions (Energy and Climate Solutions), under the Greenhouse Gas Industrial Reporting and Control Act. For guidance on the B.C. OBPS program such as qualifying, registering, paying or offsetting annual OBPS charges, see Energy and Climate Solutions’ B.C. Output-Based Pricing System webpage or contact Energy and Climate Solutions at
This webpage provides guidance on claiming the B.C. OBPS carbon tax exemption and refunds, which are administered by the Ministry of Finance under the Carbon Tax Act. If you require further carbon tax guidance, see Contact Information below.
Effective April 1, 2024, you may claim exemption from paying carbon tax on any fuel or combustible if:
To claim the exemption from carbon tax, complete a Certificate of Exemption - B.C. Output-Based Pricing System Registrants (FIN 467) (PDF, 180KB) and provide it to the seller at or before the time of purchase. On this certificate, you must provide your six-digit B.C. OBPS Regulated Operation (BORO) ID number you received when you registered for the B.C. OBPS program with Energy and Climate Solutions.
You may make additional qualifying purchases using the same certificate if the information on the certificate applies to the additional purchases.
If you make exempt facility use of fuel that you import or manufacture, or exempt facility use of combustibles, you do not have to self-assess carbon tax on the fuel or combustibles. However, you must keep records that substantiate qualifying use and provide them to us if requested.
If you claim the exemption when purchasing fuel but use the fuel for a taxable purpose, you must self-assess and remit carbon tax on the fuel at the rate that applies for the period of use. For more information, see Reporting and Paying Tax in Self-Assessing Motor Fuel and Carbon Tax (MFT-CT 006) (PDF, 180KB).
If you pay or self-assess carbon tax on fuel or combustibles that are used on or after April 1, 2024 for an exempt facility purpose, you may apply for a refund of the carbon tax. To claim a refund, use the Application for Refund of Carbon Tax – Purchaser of Fuel (FIN 108) (PDF, 620KB).
If you sell fuel on or after April 1, 2024 to a purchaser who claims the B.C. OBPS exemption using the exemption certificate, you may apply for a refund of the security you pay on the fuel. Keep the exemption certificate in your records, to support the non-collection of tax and your refund claim.
If you are a deputy collector or retail dealer, apply for the refund using the Application for Refund of Carbon Tax – Deputy Collector or Retail Dealer (FIN 143) (PDF, 650KB).
If you are a carbon tax collector, claim the security refund using your carbon tax collector return (CTA) for the reporting period that includes the exempt sale. On your CTA return, report the following by fuel type:
Note: Line 3 of the CTA return will be revised to include a new line for non-taxable sales to regulated operations.
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