Provincial sales tax forms

Last updated on December 17, 2024

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Fill out the following forms to register to collect provincial sales tax (PST).

  • FIN 418 - Application for Registration for Provincial Sales Tax (PST)

Fill out the following form to cancel your PST registration.

  • FIN 357 - Request to Close Provincial Sales Tax Account 

Exemption certificates

Fill out the following exemption certificates to claim a PST exemption.


Fill out the following forms to apply for a PST refund.

Tax returns and schedules


You must have this form completed by a motor vehicle dealer or qualified appraiser if you believe the actual value of a motor vehicle is less than the average wholesale value obtained from the Canadian Black Book valuation guide.


Fill out the following form to authorize the ministry to contact you or your representative by fax or email for specific PST-related matters.

Designation agreement or cancellation

Fill out the following form if you are in a principal and agent relationship and want to jointly designate one of the parties to collect and remit PST and MRDT, if applicable, on sales and leases made under the designation agreement.

Declaration of agreement

Fill out the following form if your customer agrees to pay provincial sales tax (PST) on goods you acquire to fulfil a contract to supply and affix, or install, those goods so they become part of real property. 


  • FIN 447 - Application for Clearance


Contact information

Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Within Canada and the U.S.A. Toll Free