Destination Development Fund

Last updated on September 18, 2024


About the fund

The Destination Development Fund is a COVID -19 recovery program that provides one-time grants to support the development and rejuvenation of tourism infrastructure, assets and experiences throughout the province. Since 2021, nearly $60 million has been provided to support 121 infrastructure projects throughout B.C.

On this page

How the fund works

The B.C. Destination Development Fund aims to invest in projects that:

  • Foster distinct and globally competitive destinations
  • Strengthen a year-round visitor economy
  • Increase community vibrancy and resident support for tourism
  • Support sustainability, accessibility and inclusion

The fund will award grants across two streams.

Stream 1: Activate

Stream 1 funds up to $1,000,000 per project. Apply for this stream if your project will build or rejuvenate:

  • Tourism infrastructure
  • Visitor amenities 
  • Tourist attractions 

Examples of eligible projects include:

  • New tourism attraction
  • Campground development
  • Improved water access
  • Public visitor services
  • Thematic and/or Indigenous signage
  • Event infrastructure
  • Iconic recreational experience development
  • Off-season experiences

Stream 2: Elevate

Stream 2 funds up to $500,000 per project. Apply for this stream if your project will improve destination competitiveness through:

  • Modernizing tourism experiences
  • Building capacity and skills
  • Adopting and adapting technology
  • Enhancing sustainability practices

Examples of eligible projects include:

  • Accessibility and inclusion improvements
  • Destination stewardship tools and infrastructure
  • Community education programs
  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation
  • Digital adaptation and automation
  • Tourism experience revitalization/restoration


Who can apply

You can apply if you are an eligible organization and your project meets the criteria.

Eligible organizations

  • Local governments
  • Indigenous governments and development organizations
  • Not-for-profit organizations 

Ineligible organizations

  • Federal entities
  • For-profit businesses
  • A political party, political action group or lobby group
  • Any other organization not listed under eligible organizations

What kind of projects are eligible

Your project must:

  • Be located in B.C.
  • Support the tourism sector
  • Be visitor-oriented, open for use to the public and not limited to a private membership
  • Be endorsed by the organization (for example, approved by council, board of directors or band council)
  • Have demonstrated support from stakeholders and partners
  • Be shovel ready (project can begin construction in the near future)
  • Be completed by March 31, 2025

Due to limited capacity, projects on designated recreation sites or trails will only be considered if the project was approved under either:

How to apply

Application process

This is a two-stage application process. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered.

First, applicants submitted an expression of interest (EOI):

  1. Download and complete the EOI form.
  2. Review the guidelines for completing the form (PDF, 363 KB)Support is available if you need help
  3. Submit the completed EOI form to by 1 pm on Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Second, wait to be contacted. Only shortlisted candidates need to submit a full application. 

We will be accepting one submission per applicant. You cannot include multiple projects within the same application. 

Evaluation criteria

All projects must:

Extra consideration will be given to projects that:

  • Are regional in scope
  • Involve a partnership between two or more organizations

Applications from partnerships must:

  • Identify a project lead who is an eligible applicant 
  • Demonstrate support from all relevant communities and partners

How to use your funding


Eligible expenses

You can use grant funds to pay for:

  • Goods or services directly related to the project
  • Professional costs for technical personnel, consultants, contractors
  • Environmental reviews
  • Archaeological assessments
  • Indigenous engagement
  • Project management fees (must not exceed 15% of total cost)
  • Insurance related to construction
  • Construction/material costs
  • Repairs and rejuvenation of existing tourism infrastructure and amenities
  • Leasing of equipment related to the construction of the project
  • Utility, electrical, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer set-up/connection services to the site
  • Equipment essential for operation of the project
  • Digital infrastructure
  • Business training (must not exceed 10% of total cost)

Ineligible expenses

You can’t use grant funds to pay for:

  • Costs incurred before approval date and after project completion date
  • Accrued costs
  • Any goods or services costs which are received through donations or in kind
  • Legal fees
  • For infrastructure projects, any planning fees exceeding 15% of total project
  • Gifts and hospitality costs (for example, food, beverages, liquor, entertainment etc.)
  • Liability insurance
  • General routine and cyclical maintenance, and other normal overhead costs
  • Salaries and other employment benefits unless pre-approved (to a maximum of 15% of the total funding)
  • Furnishings and non-fixed assets non-essential to the project
  • Land acquisition (for example, leasing) and real estate fees
  • Marketing activities

Expenses must be direct and essential to the project. You can only use grant funds on eligible expenses.

Successful applicants will need to include the B.C. logo on all public materials relating to the project.

How you will receive your funding

Successful applicants will receive a grant letter from the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport.

Grant funding will be issued in two payments:

  • 90% upon application approval
  • 10% after you submit your final report


Reporting requirements will be outlined for successful applicants before they agree to receive funding. The report must be submitted within three months of project completion.

Organizations awarded grant funds may also be subject to post-payment audits to ensure compliance with the fund guidelines. If you use awarded funds for ineligible expenses, you may have to repay your entire grant.

I need help

If you have questions or are facing any barriers to the submission process, support is available.

Email to ask questions or make an appointment to get help with your submission. Appointments are available up to one week before submissions are due.