Tourism Resources

There are a number of different resources available to support B.C.'s tourism sector.

Services and information topics

Tourism Funding, Programs and Resources

There are a number of different funding sources, programs and resources available to support B.C.'s tourism sector.

Destination Development

Destination development is guided by the Strategic Framework for Tourism in British Columbia and aims to help communities grow and manage their communities as tourism destinations. The focus is on enhancing the supply side of tourism, by providing compelling experiences, quality infrastructure, and remarkable services to entice repeat visitation.

British Columbia’s Tourism Ecosystem

As the provincial leader in tourism, the role and responsibilities of the Ministry are to set the strategic direction for provincial tourism priorities. This work is done through collaboration within government, with municipalities, tourism organizations and businesses that creates the fabric of tourism in the Province of B.C.

Strategic Framework for Tourism in B.C.

Tourism has — and will always be — integral to who we are as British Columbians. A thriving tourism industry contributes to an inclusive economy and provides a pathway for jobs, opportunity and entrepreneurship in our province.

Tourism Research

This page presents summary statistics that describe the importance of the tourism sector in British Columbia. It also provides sources for additional tourism data and statistics. 

Conversations on the Future of Tourism in British Columbia

Weather events and the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the tourism industry over the past several years. This created a desire among industry leaders and the Province to reflect, reimagine and think strategically about the future of tourism.

Tourism Marketing

Tourism marketing and promotion in B.C. is led by Destination British Columbia (Destination BC). 

Training & Finding Jobs in B.C.'s Tourism Sector

Tourism in B.C. employed 125,700 people in 2023. This includes $9.7 billion in GDP (in 2017 constant dollars) contributed to B.C.'s economy and $5.9 billion in tourism wages and salaries.

There are many different jobs available in the tourism sector. Use these resources to find tourism jobs and access job-related advice.