Destination Events Program

Last updated on March 7, 2025

The Destination Events Program supports tourism, arts, culture and sport events across British Columbia to drive economic growth and position the province as a leading destination for diverse events.


On this page

How the fund works

The Destination Events Program (DEP) provides funding up to 10% of your total event budget, with a maximum of $200,000 per event. You can use the funds to cover a range of operational expenses.

Note: Your total event budget must be a minimum of $150,000 to be eligible to apply.

The program is administered through a time-limited application process. Applications will be accepted from April 7, 2025, until May 5, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. (PDT).


The program aims to enhance B.C.’s reputation as an events destination, foster economic growth and increase visitation across the province. 

Key objectives include:

  • Boosting local economies by attracting visitors, creating jobs and supporting businesses to promote long-term economic growth in communities
  • Supporting shoulder and off-season tourism growth, driving overnight visitation and raising destination awareness to encourage future tourism investment and repeat visitation


Eligible organizations

You can apply if your organization is eligible and you are hosting an event that meets all criteria.


Eligible organizations

  • Indigenous community or organization
  • Not-for-profit organization
  • Business
  • Local government

Ineligible organizations

  • Individuals
  • Federal, provincial or territorial governments (and their Crown corporations and agencies)
  • Educational institutions, including universities, colleges, and school boards
  • Unions


What kinds of events are eligible

If your event type is not listed or you have questions about eligibility, please contact us.


Eligible events

  • Sporting events, such as:
    • spectator sport events
    • organized races 
    • exhibition events
  • Arts and culture events, such as:
    • live music festivals
    • film festivals
    • cultural festivals
    • art walks and mural festivals
  • Agricultural events, such as:
    • fairs, rodeos and exhibitions
    • festivals held on farms, orchards or vineyards 

Ineligible events

  • Events that are primarily commercial/retail, religious, political, or academic in nature, such as:
    • consumer shows
    • trade shows
    • pageants
    • award ceremonies
    • conventions
    • meetings and conferences
    • seminars and clinics
    • rallies or demonstrations
    • educational competitions
    • craft fairs or swap meets
    • vendor-based markets
    • farmers' markets
  • Attractions, shows, tours, or recurring events held over an extended period of time (e.g. more than 21 days):
    • seasonal arts and cultural events
    • scheduled art exhibitions or other regular programming
    • seasonal spectator sport games/leagues
  • Community events/holiday celebrations that are designed for residents versus attracting overnight visitors
    • parades
    • Canada Day/holiday celebrations
    • neighbourhood block parties
  • Virtual events
  • Events in the bid phase


Mandatory eligibility criteria

Eligible events are scheduled to take place in B.C. between June 1, 2025, and September 30, 2026 and meet the following eligibility criteria.


a. Open to the public

  • Events must be open to all members of the public 
  • Events that are only available to the organization’s members are not eligible

b. Frequency limit

  • Events occurring more than 21 days in a calendar year are not eligible for funding
  • The 21 days do not need to be consecutive

c. Financial viability

  • While event budgets do not need to be balanced, events are required to be financially viable in order to qualify for funding
  • Event organizers must provide a detailed budget covering all expenses and expected revenue, along with projected ticket sales, sponsorships and other income sources 

d. Minimum event operating budget

  • Events must demonstrate a minimum operating budget of $150,000

e. Secured venue

  • The event venue must be secured at the time of application 
  • Event organizers must provide the venue name and address during the application process
  • You may be asked to provide evidence that the event venue is secured (e.g., municipal permits, rental agreements, proof of insurance, emergency management plan or other documentation) 
  • Events in the bid phase are not eligible

f. Destination event

  • Events must demonstrate the ability to attract overnight visitors specifically for the event 
  • Events that are primarily community focused are not eligible

g. Letter of support

  • A letter of support must be provided by either a host community (i.e. municipal or regional government), First Nation government, and/or destination management organization, unless one of these is the applicant


Event evaluation

Your application will be used to evaluate how well your event meets the DEP objectives to generate economic and tourism benefits.


Economic Impact

  • Direct impact to local businesses/suppliers: estimated spending by event organizers, exhibitors, participants, and attendees on local goods and services
  • Local jobs supported: estimated number of local jobs supported, and total wages paid to put on the event  

Tourism Benefits

  • Visitor attendance: estimated number of attendees travelling internationally, across Canada, from outside the region and locally to attend the event 
  • Room nights: anticipated number of room-nights generated from hosting the event
  • Seasonal impact: drives visitation during low or shoulder seasons, addressing off-peak demand
  • Geographic distribution: attracts visitors to more regions of the province to share the benefits of tourism with everyone in B.C.
  • Destination awareness: showcases the unique attractions and tourism offerings of B.C.’s communities


Organizations must be in good standing with Tourism Branch funding programs to be eligible. For example, if in the past you failed to meet reporting requirements, misused funds, or your event did not take place without an acceptable reason, you will be considered ineligible for funding.

NEW - BCeID Required

Our new online application requires that applicants have a Basic BCeID. The Basic BCeID is a personal account that will give you access to the online application form to submit on behalf of your organization. Even if your organization has a Business BCeID, you must still apply for a Basic BCeID. 

How to create a new BCeID

  1. Using your web browser, visit Register for a Basic BCeID
  2. Fill out all information required in the form
  3. Once you complete the registration you will receive a confirmation email
  4. Do not lose your User ID and Password, you will need them to access your DEP application

Once the application intake opens, the DEP webpage will have a link to apply. Clicking the link will prompt you to enter your Basic BCeID information, and then you will directed to the application form.

How to apply

Your completed online application and all supporting documentation must be submitted by the application deadline of May 5, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. (PDT). Late applications will not be considered.

Refer to the required documentation list to ensure your application package is complete. The ministry may contact your organization to verify the information provided. 

We encourage you to apply as soon as possible as funds are limited and applications are scored competitively. All decisions are final.

Submitting multiple applications

You can submit a maximum of three applications. A separate application for each eligible event must be completed.

  • Separate applications cannot be submitted for recurring instances of the same event (For example, if you are hosting a series of summer music concerts)
  • Only one grant will be issued per eligible event
  • More than one organization cannot receive a grant for the same event
  • Total funding per organization will not exceed $400,000

Previous funding recipients

If your organization received funding from Tourism Branch programs for events taking place up to September 30, 2025, you are not eligible for DEP funding during that timeframe. However, you may apply for funding for events occurring between October 1, 2025 and September 30, 2026. 

Organizations must be in good standing with Tourism Branch funding programs to be eligible. For example, if in the past you failed to meet reporting requirements, misused funds, or your event did not take place without an acceptable reason, you will be considered ineligible for funding.

Please contact us if you have any questions about eligibility.

Required documentation

Review the required documents list and ensure all your documents are submitted by the application deadline of Monday, May 5, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. (PDT).


1. Application Form

  • The application form will be used to assess mandatory eligibility criteria and score applications against the competitive criteria
  • You must attest to the accuracy of information provided 

2. Event budget

  • Your budget must reflect anticipated revenues, expenses and other funding sources 
  • The budget must include total operating costs related to the event. It should not include the requested DEP funding
  • Event budgets are not required to be balanced
  • Your budget will be used to assess the event’s financial viability and to determine individual grant amounts
  • You must use the budget template provided 

3. Letter(s) of support

  • A letter of support (minimum of one; maximum of three) from a local First Nation, local or regional government, and/or destination management organization (DMO) is required 
  • If the applicant is a First Nation, local government, or DMO, a letter of support is not required
  • The letter(s) of support must be dated, current and directly reference the event that is being applied for 
  • Incomplete and outdated letters of support will not be accepted


Program timelines

DEP is administered on a time-limited intake. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

  • April 7, 2025 - intake opens
  • May 5, 2025 - intake closes at 11:59 p.m. PDT
  • September 30, 2026 - deadline for spending approved grant funding
  • A final report must be submitted no later than three months after the event concludes

How to use your funding

You must explain how you intend to use your grant funds on your application. 

If funds cannot be used on the eligible expenses outlined below, you must contact us to discuss repayment options.


Eligible expenses

Operational costs directly related to event execution: 

  • Artist and contractor fees for event production
  • Consultation with Indigenous community members
  • Marketing and promotion
  • Equipment rental
  • Volunteer management
  • Insurance related to event execution
  • Health and safety requirements

Ineligible expenses

  • Administrative costs for the organization producing the event (e.g., compensating full-time staff, utilities, debt repayment, office expenses)
  • Costs associated with application or bid development
  • Seed money for start-up businesses
  • Capital expenditures and infrastructure costs (construction, renovation, or purchase of property or equipment).
  • Feasibility studies
  • Travel or accommodation costs
  • Alcohol
  • Gifts and prizes
  • Prize money
  • Legal fees

Funding amount

The Destination Events Program provides funding up to 10% of your total event budget, with a maximum of $200,000 per event. The operating costs described must be for the event itself and not the organization. 

Submitting an application does not guarantee your event will be funded, or that you will receive the amount you requested.

Funding decisions and payment

Your funding decision will be communicated in writing. Successful applicants will be required to enter into an agreement with the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport, which will outline the terms of the agreement, including reporting requirements and restrictions on the use of funds.

All decisions are final. There is no appeal process for unsuccessful applicants.

Payments will be made either via electronic deposit into eligible applicants' accounts or by cheque.

Event cancellations and changes of scope

The ministry understands events may have to be postponed or cancelled due to severe climate or weather events or other circumstances outside your control. In the event this occurs or if your funds are not fully spent on the event or the event changes substantially in scope, please contact us to discuss options.


After your event, you must submit a report that outlines the following:

  • Description of how the grant funding was used for the prescribed purposes
  • Event attendance, with point of origin
  • Estimated hotel room nights generated by event
  • Total number of jobs created and total wages provided
  • Event attendee testimonials 

The ministry will provide you with a template for this report. Your report must be submitted within three months after the event concludes.

Organizations awarded grant funds may also be subject to post-payment audits to ensure compliance with the fund guidelines. Ineligible use of funds or unspent funds may result in grant funds becoming repayable to the ministry. 

Contact information

If you have any questions, please reach out to us early as we receive a high volume of requests and do not accept late applications. Please email