Our goal to integrate bicycling on the province’s highways by providing safe, accessible and convenient bicycle facilities and by supporting and encouraging cycling.
- Provisions for cyclists are made on all new and upgraded provincial highways. All exceptions to this policy will be subject to an evaluation procedure, as described in the reference material.
- Route evaluations that impact cyclists will include consultations with cycling stakeholders. An evaluation can be applied on existing routes to identify measures that will improve cycling conditions.
- We involve cycling interests and local government officials responsible for cycling in all highway planning consultations. Municipal bicycle advisory committees and/or recognized cycling advocacy organizations can be utilized to provide advice on cycling needs, facilitate issues and to monitor the effectiveness of the cycling policy.
- To accommodate the safety and travel requirements for different types of cyclists, we plan, design and build for the appropriate type of cyclist based on the type of facility.
- The cost of meeting the cycling policy will be managed within normal business practices and annual budgets. We encourage the use of alternative funding.
- Uniform signing and marking will be provided for cyclists on all provincial highways. (see reference material*)
- The cycling policy and reference material will be monitored on a regular basis. The first review will be conducted no later than three years from the effective date. The process will include consultation with stakeholders.
* NOTE: Reference material is subject to updating and change without formally changing the Cycling Policy. Reference material is available upon request.