Tender & Contract Documentation

Last updated on September 9, 2024

Tender and contract documentation is for consultants working on Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure construction projects. Here is a summary with links to all component documents required for tendering and contracting.

The tender document package comes in two parts.

  1. The tender document package with the necessary documentation for tendering the contract.
  2. The contract document package containing the legal documentation to bind the contract between the ministry and the contractor.

Project teams developing a contract must provide contract administration staff with the relevant documents in the table below.

Use the document under the appropriate column for major works, minor works, operational services, and design-build minor documents.

Green cells are mandatory. #

Yellow cells are optional depending on the needs of your project. # #

Uncoloured cells will be prepared by ministry contract administration staff.


Step No. Major Minor Operational Design-Build Minor
1 Tender Document Package Cover Page
2 Order of Contents —
Tender Document Package
(Major Works)
Order of Contents —
Tender Document Package
(Minor Works)
Order of Contents —
Tender Document Package
Order of Contents —
Tender Document Package

Notice to Bidders (PDF)
Updated November 2, 2022

4 Request to Advertise for Major Works, Minor Works, Design-Build Minor, and Operational Services Contracts
(H0330) (DOC) #
5 Tender Opportunity Information
6 Tender Form (H0033)
7 Specimen Joint Venture Confirmation Agreement (PDF)
8 Schedule T1 — Conditions of Tender Cover Page
9 Conditions of Tender (PDF) Updated November 3, 2023
10 Schedule T2 — Tender Securities Cover Page
11 Major Works Tender Securities Requirements and Bond Specimen
(INS-261) (DOC)
Minor Works Tender Securities Requirements and Bond Specimen
(INS-263) (DOC)
Operational Services Tender Securities Requirements and Bond Specimen
(INS-262) (DOC)
Design-Build MinorTender Securities Requirements and Bond Specimen
(INS-261) (DOC)
12 Specimen Bid Bond (BID 0404) (DOC)
13 Schedule T3 - Specific Reference Documents Cover Page
14 Specific Reference Documents List (DOC) # #
15 No Specific Reference Documents List
16 Tender Envelope (H0384) (DOC)

Tender Envelope (hard copy) includes:

  • Schedule 7 - Approximate Quantities and Unit Prices (hard copy)
  • Tender Form (hard copy)
18 Contract Document Package Cover Page
19 Order of Contents — Contract Document Package
(Major Works)
Order of Contents — Contract Document Package
(Minor Works)
Order of Contents — Contract Document Package
(Operational Services)
Order of Contents — Contract Document Package
(Design-Build Minor)
20 Contract Cover Page
21 General Conditions -
Execution Page
(Major Works)
General Conditions -
Execution Page
(Minor Works)    
General Conditions - Execution Page
(Operational Services)
General Conditions - Execution Page
(Design-Build Minor)
22 General Conditions
Major Works

Updated November 2, 2022

General Conditions
Minor Works

(PDF) Updated November 2, 2022

N/A General Conditions
Design-Build Minor

Updated November 2, 2022
23 Schedule 1 — Supplemental General Conditions/Glossary of Terms Cover Page
24 Supplemental General Conditions Major Works (DOC) # #
Updated September 9, 2024

Supplemental General Conditions Minor Works (DOC) #
Updated September 9, 2024

No Supplemental General  Conditions Supplemental General Conditions

(DOC)  # #
Updated September 9, 2024
25 No Supplemental
General Conditions
(Major Works)
No Supplemental
General Conditions
(Minor Works)
No Supplemental
General Conditions
(Operational Services)
No Supplemental
General Conditions
(Design-Build Minor)
26 Glossary of Terms (PDF) Updated November 2, 2022
27 Schedule 2 - Contract Securities Cover Page
28 Contract Securities Requirements and Bond Specimens (INS-265) (DOC)
29 Specimen Performance Bond (Perf9702) (DOC)
30 Specimen Labour and Material Payment Bond (LM9702) (DOC)
31 Schedule 3 — Special Provisions and Appendices Cover Page
32 Sample Special Provisions Major Works (DOCX) #
Effective August 1, 2023

This document is to be used with the 2020 Standard Specifications
Sample Special Provisions Minor Works (DOCX) #
Effective August 1, 2023

This document is to be used with the 2020 Standard Specifications
Sample Special  Provisions Operational Services (DOCX) #
Effective August 1, 2023
Project specific #
Changes to the Sample Special Provisions: Sample Special Provisions Table of Amendments (DOCX, 115 KB) #
Effective Effective August 1, 2023
Sample Special Provisions: Bridge Construction (DOCX, 117 KB) # #
Effective February 16, 2021


Standard Specifications Appendix/Appendices:
              All appendices incorporated into the Standard Specification SP Appendix for Amendments Line 34

Amendments to the Standard Specifications for Highway Construction:

Major Works, Minor Works and Operational Services:
Special Provisions Appendix for Amendments to the
2020 Standards Specifications for Highway Construction
Effective February 8, 2021
Design-Build Minor:
No Amendments
35 Schedule 4 - Drawings Cover Page
36 Drawing List (DOC) # #
37 No Drawings
38 Schedule 5 - Time Schedule Cover Page
39 Time Schedule (DOC) # #
40 Schedule 6 - Insurance Cover Page
41 Notice to Contractors - Ensuring Compliance with Insurance, Bonds and WorkSafeBC Requirements
42 Insurance Specifications - Major Works Contracts
(INS-152) (DOC)
Insurance Specifications
(INS-80) (DOC)
Insurance Specifications - Design-Build Minor
(INS-172) (DOC)
43 Certificate of Insurance (H0111)
44 Schedule 7 - Approximate Quantities and Unit Prices Cover Page

Schedule 7 - Create Ministry Estimate: Schedule of Approximate Quantities and Unit Prices (HOO88) #
Create Ministry Estimate - Schedule 7 Instructions

46 Schedule 8 - Contract Amendments Cover Page
47 List of Contract Amendments (for award only)
48 No Contract Amendments