The Ministry of Transportation and Transit contracts with consultants, construction contractors and suppliers who help build and maintain B.C.’s highways, bridges and other transportation infrastructure including airports, rail and ferries.
Experienced professionals and consulting firms in the fields of engineering, technical, environmental, and other general transportation related fields provide expert knowledge on projects relating to bridges, highways and transportation infrastructure.
Other transportation related professional services such as research and analysis, project management, information technology, property advisory services and surveying are publicly advertised on BC Bid.
Private contractors construct and repair roads and bridges throughout B.C. including rehabilitation, geotechnical work, gravel crushing, guardrail, paving, sealcoating and microsurfacing and other transportation related infrastructure work.
Private contractors also provide operational services including traffic control (flagging), demolition, clearing and grubbing, crushing, first aid, janitorial services and landscaping.
In British Columbia private contractors repair and maintain provincial highways and bridges, including the maintenance of electrical infrastructure and pavement marking application.
Owners/operators of dump trucks, bulldozers, backhoes or other pieces of equipment can hire out to the transportation ministry for day labour and emergency projects.
Contractors providing services or performing work on B.C.’s highway infrastructure use the recognized products list as a reference for supplying or providing material for highway or bridge construction, rehabilitation or maintenance.
Vendors can supply goods and services through a corporate supply arrangement when there is a steady demand for large volumes of goods and/or services.