British Columbia Smart Infrastructure Monitoring System (BCSIMS)

Last updated on January 13, 2025

BCSIMS is comprised of two major subnetworks: the Strong Ground Motion Network (SGMN) and the Seismic Structural Health Monitoring (SSHM) network. 

Strong Ground Motion Network (SGMN)

The purpose of the SGMN is to report on seismic activities in and around BC. This is done using a network of earthquake sensors installed on the ground that measure the local shaking levels in near-real time. In the event of a strong earthquake, data from the sensors is collected and analyzed to automatically create shake-maps and earthquake reports which are accessible through the BCSIMS website.

These maps and reports enable Emergency Responders, different levels of Government, Industry, and the Public to quickly assess the shaking levels across the urban areas and at the location of critical infrastructure. This information could be used to prioritize and maximize the effective use of scarce resources.

Seismic Structural Health Monitoring (SSHM)

In the SSHM network, various types of sensors are installed on selected ministry infrastructure (e.g., bridges on lifeline routes) to monitor their response to loads such as traffic, wind, and earthquakes in near-real time. The measured sensor data is stored and analyzed at the BCSIMS  Data Centre to provide reports that can be used by Ministry personnel (e.g., Engineers and Bridge Inspectors) for planning, training, and post-earthquake response.


Contact information

Contact us for information about structural engineering.

PO Box 9850
Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9T5