This is the supply arrangement for out-of-province and out-of-country vehicle rentals and locations in B.C. not listed in the Daily Vehicle Rental Suppliers By Location.
Can I use an in-province rental location that does not have a supply arrangement?
How do I rent a vehicle in another province?
How do I access these services?
No, except in locations where there is no government-approved supply arrangement rental agency. Email the Procurement Services Branch to reach the commodity manager.
When you are ready to return the vehicle:
If you get into an accident
Since there are no contracts with out of province suppliers, you should get three quotes.
Email the Procurement Services Branch to reach the commodity manager.
Obtain travel approval
See Sections 10.3.2 and 10.3.4 of the Core Policy and Procedures Manual.
See the Approval requirements for all employees traveling out-of-province or out-of-country, including the Travel Authorization form FIN 99.
Determine vehicle type required
Government policy requires drivers to use the most economical, fuel-efficient, and green mode of transportation suitable for their needs.
Rental agency selection and vehicle reservation
The selection of the rental agency is up to the renter.
Obtain insurance (for out-of-province or country, or non-supply arrangement rentals only)
What insurance you should purchase largely depends on your method of payment. Contact the Risk Management Branch for advice as insurance requirements may vary by province and/or country.
Note: Broader public sector employees should check with their risk management office to confirm their appropriate arrangements. The information provided here pertains to ministry employees, category D OIC appointees, and members of the legislative assembly (MLAs).
Supplementary Out-of-Province Insurance Information
Third Party Liability coverage:
Unlike Canada which requires all rental companies to carry third-party liability insurance, some states in the USA do not require the rental companies to insure their fleets with this insurance. Third-party liability insurance protects you, your office, the government and even the rental company from law suits that may result from any accident or incident you are involved in. Third party claims often arise from the driver, passengers or by-standers (or their families, employers, health insurers, etc.) who are involved in, or some other way influenced by the accident or incident. Third-party claims may often exceed $1 million.
When making the reservation or when at the rental desk ask the agent what the level of third-party insurance is included with the rental vehicle. If the level is $1 million or less, ask if they offer extra third-party insurance that you can take out to increase the coverage to $2 million or the maximum they may offer (in some states they only offer $1 million in extra third-party insurance) and have that extra insurance added to your rental agreement and pay the extra premiums.
Payment of the third party insurance premiums for out-of-province/country rentals is reimbursable to the traveler.
Collision, Loss or Supplementary Damage Insurance:
Like the in-province rentals, if you pay using the corporate BMO Card, you should waive paying these insurance fees. The insurance in the BMO card will provide the coverage you need.
If you do not have the BMO card, you should purchase the added insurance and NOT waive the coverage. Do not use your personal ICBC Road Star car rental insurance to provide coverage for your government business rentals, as any claims may affect your personal ICBC insurance rates. If the damage is covered by the BMO insurance, or the rental agency's insurance, your personal ICBC insurance will not be affected.
Payment of collision, loss or damage insurance premiums for out-of-province rentals is reimbursable to the traveler.
Personal Injury Insurance (PII):
Because you are traveling on official government business you are covered by WCB. Personal Injury Insurance (PII) is not required and will not be reimbursed to you.
Extended Medical Coverage:
For extended medical coverage when traveling out-of-province, we strongly recommend you purchase travel insurance from the government's health insurer. Please see the government's insurer's travel insurance information.
Vehicle inspection
Returning the vehicle
Looking for more information? Refer to the Daily Vehicle Rentals FAQs page.
Email the Procurement Services Branch to reach the commodity manager