Government policy and guidelines

Last updated on January 17, 2025

Procurement Policy of the Core Policy and Procedures Manual (CPPM) sets out policies governing procurement that all ministries are expected to follow. 

 In addition to procurement policy in the CPPM, there are other CPPM chapters that relate to procurement, and guidelines developed for ministry buyers to consider in all procurements and purchases. Ministries may have their own additional policies and processes.


CPPM chapters that relate to procurement include:

  • Governance (Chapter 1) addresses the scope, application, and responsibility for government internal policy
  • Expense Management (Chapter 4addresses the delegation of expense authority responsibilities
  • Procurement (Chapter 6) includes policy for all aspects of procurement of goods, services, and construction
  • Guarantees and Indemnities (Chapter 9) addresses managing and controlling the Province's liabilities
  • Information Management and Information Technology Management (Chapter 12) addresses policy and standards for IM/IT planning, development, records, infrastructure, operations, delivery and support, security, and electronic communications
  • Financial systems and controls (Chapter 13) addresses control and security standards for government's financial systems
  • Risk Management (Chapter 14) addresses government's integrated, enterprise-wide risk management process
  • Security (Chapter 15) addresses the security of government operations, and which framework addresses exposure to accidental losses, malicious threads, or criminal acts
  • Government Transfers (Chapter 21) addresses the government's monetary or tangible capital asset transfers, including grants, entitlements, and shared cost arrangements

Many of the Province’s obligations in the trade agreements are reflected in the CPPM. For issues that are not directly addressed in the CPPM, the trade agreements should also be referenced.

For questions about CPPM, contact the Procurement Governance Office.


Guidelines for environmentally responsible procurement 

Procurement guidelines designed for ministries to consider environmentally responsible products and services as part of their purchasing decisions.

Social purchasing

Procurement guidelines for ministry buyers considering social impact in procurements.

The information contained in these BC Procurement Resources is provided as general information related to the Province's procurement resources. This information is not exhaustive and may become out of date. This information is not legal, policy, or business advice and users should make such further enquiries they deem necessary with their legal, policy, business or other advisors. The provisions of the Procurement Policy (CPPM) and the associated Practice Standard take precedence over any information contained in these resources that may be inconsistent.