Building security officer

Last updated on February 24, 2025

BC Public Service building security officers patrol and supervise assigned areas to maintain order and provide security of all government property within their view.

This includes:

  • Checking all portals of entry and securing them to prevent entry of unauthorized persons
  • Unlocking doors in preparation of routine business
  • Maintaining a key registry and key control system
  • Maintaining a visitor’s, lost and found and daily log book
  • Preparing reports on the state of security within their jurisdiction
  • Ensuring proper records are being kept on all security matters within the area
  • Supervising any of the above activities

Building security officer 9

Review grid level 9 pay rates for this position.

Applicable job codes

Job code 705102
Salary plan GEU
Bargaining unit code 3

Building security officer 11 (inactive)

Review previous pay rates in this pay grid.

Applicable job codes

Job code 705103 363115
Salary plan GEU OEX
Bargaining unit code 3 0

Note: Per the 19th Main Public Service Agreement, the employer and the BCGEU have jointly agreed that, effective April 1, 2022, the point band range for Grid 11 will be amalgamated with the point band range for Grid 12.

As a result of this decision, Grid 11 will no longer be used and all employees who are currently at the Grid 11 level will be moved over to their same classification at the Grid 12 level.

Building security officer 12

Review grid level 12 pay rates for this position.

Applicable job codes

Job code 705103 363115
Salary plan GEU OEX
Bargaining unit code 3 0

Building security officer 13 (inactive)

Review previous pay rates in this pay grid.

Applicable job codes

Job code 705104
Salary plan GEU
Bargaining unit code 3

Note: Per the 19th Main Public Service Agreement, the employer and the BCGEU have jointly agreed that, effective April 1, 2022, the point band range for Grid 13 will be amalgamated with the point band range for Grid 15.

As a result of this decision, Grid 13 will no longer be used and all employees who are currently at the Grid 13 level will be moved over to their same classification at the Grid 15 level.

Building security officer 15

Review grid level 15 pay rates for this position.

Applicable job codes

Job code 705104
Salary plan GEU
Bargaining unit code 3