Correctional services training

Last updated on February 24, 2025

BC Public Service corrections service officers maintain the security and safety of residents within a correctional facility through personal relationships, guidance, supervision and case management of residents.

Review step 1 of grid level 14 pay rates for this position.

Applicable job codes

Job code 721119
Salary plan GEU
Bargaining unit code 3

Training level description

The correctional services: training classification is associated with the correctional services growth plan. It is intended for activities such as the Justice Institute training program for new security officers at the Ministries of Attorney General or Children and Family Development.

Employees will be compensated at the training placement rate during the training, which is a pre-requisite for placement at the appropriate level in the growth model. Placement in the growth model is not a "reclassification" for the purpose of salary placement in the model on completion of the training phase.

Training placement effective April 1, 2001

Range 9, Step 1, 6 months

Until training is completed (up to approximately 6 months). After completion of training, employees move to the appropriate level of the growth model.