Building a trust-based relationship requires a fundamental understanding that "relationship" is the foundation from which all activities happen and that building a good relationship takes time and commitment. It is a willingness to build a personal relationship in addition to a professional one, participating in open exchanges of experiences and culture. It requires a genuine, non-controlling approach and relies upon demonstrated integrity and transparency. Building a trust-based relationship requires a high level of consciousness of the experience of Indigenous people with Crown relations. It assumes that strengths abound in Indigenous people, cultures and communities.
Demonstrates the Behaviour When
- Goes without agenda to the person, community or organization to listen and understand their experience
- Willing to adjust behaviour or approach in the interest of building a relationship
- Makes a conscious effort to establish and build rapport, including discussion about weather, current events, family, etc.
- Identifies and refers to areas of mutual interest as a means of establishing a relationship
- Demonstrates valuing Indigenous and Western knowledge equally
- Learns from interactions and makes adjustments
- Shares information honestly and openly
- Schedules an appropriate amount of time for both business and relationship building when meeting with Indigenous people
- Draws on key expressions and words from the traditional language to build trust and show respect
- Nurtures the relationship over time
- Meets regularly and informally with objective of relationship building
- Involved in Indigenous community and/or cultural activities
- Maintains regular contact to nurture long-term relationships
- Incorporates relationship deliverables into work plans, project plans and strategic plans
- Initiates opportunities to improve the longer-term working relationship, such as introducing Indigenous people to trusted others who can provide useful information or services
- Nurtures the relationship despite differences in opinion or other conflicting situations
Needs Development When
- Engages in transactions to the exclusion of relationship building
- Resists the concept of relationship as a deliverable
- Incorporates only task related deliverables into plans
- Declines invitations to gatherings, ceremonies or meetings
- Feels a need to check in on Indigenous people to make sure they are "doing it right"
- Overlooks or discounts opinions and ideas of Indigenous people
- Dominates conversations or does not allow for silence
- Considers the relationship as a failure if differences arise
- Sticks to the agenda, when a deviation would serve and strengthen the relationship
- Withholds information
- Does not communicate regularly and openly
- Focuses on short-term results without considering long-term impact upon the relationship
- Focuses only on government interests and needs and refuses to discuss anything outside of those parameters
- Withholds information that may be useful or that may cause discord
- Reluctant to participate in Indigenous community and/or cultural activities
- Indigenous people avoid working with the employee or indicate dissatisfaction
- Ends the relationship when the work is done