Applicant feedback

Last updated on December 6, 2023


If you're unsuccessful in a job competition and want to know why, contact the hiring manager and ask for feedback on how you did in each stage of the process.

Feedback is an opportunity for you to understand your performance, what you did well and where you can improve. It also helps you understand how decisions were made in the process.

Review of staffing decisions

An employee can request an inquiry into staffing decisions for regular appointments and temporary appointments for more than 7 months.

Auxiliary appointments, lateral transfers, direct appointments and temporary appointments under 7 months are not eligible for a review of staffing decisions.

Request for feedback

To start the review process, employee applicants must first request feedback from the person responsible for the appointment within 5 calendar days after receiving notice of the staffing decision.

Day one is the day after applicants receive notification about the decision. If the 5th calendar day falls on a weekend or a statutory holiday, the next business day is considered the 5th day.

Request for an inquiry

Employee applicants not satisfied with the feedback may request an internal inquiry by the deputy minister within 5 calendar days of receiving their feedback.

The review of the staffing decisions process ends here for appointments to an excluded position.

Request for a review

Employee applicants not satisfied with the result of an internal inquiry for bargaining unit positions may make a written request for a review by the Merit Commissioner within 5 days of receiving the results of the inquiry.