Establishing a good relationship with the union steward
At the beginning of your relationship, before there is a grievance, meet privately to agree that:
- Both parties are bound by the collective agreement, each having rights and obligations
- Both parties are bound by the Standards of Conduct for public service employees
- Both parties are to be treated with respect, regardless of grievance outcomes
- Both parties may have different views but will strive to agree on a middle ground
- It is normal for either person to make mistakes. Both parties will admit to mistakes, correct them and move forward
- If the issue does not have a middle ground, stalemates can be resolved in other ways
- Patience and time is needed to evaluate each other’s position
- It is a normal for supervisors to ask the union steward for help resolving difficult issues
- It is normal for the union steward to tell a supervisor or manager about potential employee issues
Maintaining a good relationship with the union steward
To maintain a positive working relationship:
- Be objective at all times
- Value the employee's point of view
- Present facts honestly
- Inform the union steward of important decisions
- Only make commitments you can keep
- Be prepared to discuss some matters in private
- Fully explain the reason behind a grievance denial and include specific collective agreement references