Web mapping services

Last updated on February 14, 2025

Learn about web mapping tools and services used by the B.C. government to visualize and analyze data via online maps. We use a combination of proprietary and open-source software to provide access to authoritative data and to help our clients meet their business requirements and needs of their end users.

On this page

About web mapping and geospatial data

The B.C. government oversees resources and tools to support the visualization and analysis of geospatial data, including thousands of constantly updated datasets. This allows for providing current information in a geographical format that users can tailor to specific needs. If changes are needed beyond the standard tools, data and mapping experts can create custom solutions.

To make an accurate and understandable map you will need data. The data that you access through our tools comes from the B.C. Geographic Warehouse (BCGW), managed by DataBC. Some of the features include:
  • Compatibility with geospatial software and web-based mapping applications
  • A continually updating database, so developers and users are always working with the latest information
  • Flexible connection services for map creation and sharing
  • All layers are available in the industry standard (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) protocol. They are also available in Google Earth’s Keyhole Markup Language (KML) format, and in ArcGIS Server REST services format

Consider adding your data to the BCGW.

Web mapping tools

B.C.'s Map Hub
Learn more about B.C.'s Map Hub.

Learn more about iMapBC.

Internet Mapping Framework 2 (IMF2)
Internet Mapping Framework 2 (IMF2) provides all the tools you need to make basic maps, while also allowing you to customize the application itself. The built in customization options allows you to change nearly anything about IMF2 without deep programming knowledge.
Simple Map Kit (SMK)
Simple Map Kit (SMK) is an open source mapping framework. This means anyone can download and customize the files and share them on the internet. It is compatible with tools inside and outside of government, including the BC Address Geocoder and BC Route Planner. SMK is designed to easily incorporate B.C. Government layers.

Web map services

BCGW Web Map Service (Uses WMS protocol)

This service provides maps and data from the B.C. Geographic Warehouse (BCGW) database. WMS-produced maps are often made as PNG, GIF or JPEG. A WMS manages and presents data on map, calling them layers. Layers all come in one of a set of "styles", which change how the layer is displayed, like as a point, line or polygon. 
Users can also make changes that provide attribute information about a layer using built in tools. The BCGW WMS offers hundreds of accessible layers with many styles to offer.

Finding Web Map Services (Uses WMS protocol)

See the BC Data Catalogue for:

  • All BC Data Catalogue datasets that are available as WMS will include resource links to the service
  • summary of layers in this service as a KML Network Link

Find Services at the Feature Class level by:

Explore these services by:

  • Clicking on “Explore” button for "getcapabilities request WMS" resources
  • Zooming in the preview map to the location and scale where features are visible

BC Imagery Web Map Services (Uses WMS protocol)

The Province also offers a wide range of aerial and satellite acquired imagery as non-queryable WMS layers. Imagery, orthophoto mosaics, satellite imagery, and hillshaded relief are all available at different resolutions, ranging from 30m down to one-half metre.

Base Mapping Tiled Services (Uses WMS and REST protocol)

These services are available as non-queryable ArcGIS REST Services and WMS. These services use map caching (a very effective way to make basemap services run faster)

How to use WMS services

There are two main ways in which to use the WMS services:

  • In rich client desktop applications such as ESRI ArcMap or QGIS that support WMS. Instructions on how to consume WMS services through client applications can often be found on their websites listed below
  • Programmatically through the WMS service API.

The Open GeoSpatial Consortium lists organizations with products and specification implementations that support WMS. Some of these applications need the full getcapabilities url and some of them only need the first part of the URL (ie. everything before the '?' such as this: http://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/geo/ows?). Documentation on how to connect is usually available at a vendor’s website. Examples below direct you to third party instructions on how to connect using some of the more popular applications and APIs.

Using Web Map Services within client desktop applications such as:

Using Web Map Services through application programming interface (API) specifications such as:

Contact us

Have a question on getting started? Please fill out a ticket through the Data Systems and Services request system.