Application Status

Last updated on March 5, 2025

Reports about applications that institutions have submitted for review are available for download according to application status.

Under Review

Applications going through the quality assessment process are open for public review and comment for 30 days and remain posted until the review is complete.


Lookup institution applications that received ministerial approval or consent since November 7, 2003.

Lookup degrees approved prior to this date:

Private institutions require legislative authority to grant degrees in B.C. under the Degree Authorization Act

Expired, Denied,Withdrawn or Revoked

Institutional Sanctions

Global 1 and Global 1 Traders Inc.: On December 14, 2018, the Supreme Court of British Columbia granted a permanent injunction that prevents Global 1 Traders Inc. and Hardashan Sandhu, doing business as Global 1 from:

  • using the term “university” or an abbreviation, via the Internet or in any other written or oral form, to indicate that educational or degree programs are available through them or a business that they control, without the consent of the Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills;
  • providing any degree programs, or component courses of a degree program, via the Internet, or in any other written or oral form, without the consent of the Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills; and
  • advertising, via the Internet or in any other written or oral form, degree programs, or component courses of degree programs, without the consent of the Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

Review the details of the ruling:

Evidence in Motion, Accelerated Motion Physiotherapy, and Key Clinical Skills: On June 11, 2018, the Supreme Court of British Columbia granted a permanent injunction that prevents Evidence in Motion (Evidence in Motion LLC), Accelerated Motion Physiotherapy (Bradley Jawl, Accelerated Motion Physiotherapy, Tall Tree Integrated Health Centre Ltd.) and Key Clinical Skills (Jack Miller, Key Clinic Skills Inc.) from:

  • Providing the Doctorate of Physical Therapy and post professional Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree, or component courses of either degree program, in British Columbia; and
  • Advertising, in written or oral form, the Doctorate of Physical Therapy and post professional Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree in British Columbia. 

Review the details of the ruling:

Aureus University School of Medicine / Aureus Academic Centre Surrey: On February 7, 2017, the Supreme Court of British Columbia granted a permanent injunction that prevents Aureus University School of Medicine / Aureus Academic Centre Surrey (Stichting All Saints University of Medicine Aruba Foundation and Asuma LLC) from:

  • advertising programming, or parts of programming, in written or oral form, at Aureus Academic Centre (“AAC”) in British Columbia, or elsewhere in British Columbia, of any portion of a medical or other degree program;
  • using the term “university”, or any derivation or abbreviations thereof, to indicate that an educational program, or portion of an educational program, of a medical or other degree is available at AAC in British Columbia, or elsewhere in British Columbia;
  • providing a program, or any portion of a program, leading to a medical or other degree anywhere in British Columbia, including but not limited to the first year of a five year medical degree program offered at AAC in British Columbia.

Review the details of the ruling:

Council of Natural Medicine College of Canada / Shanghai TCM College of BC Canada Ltd: On February 7, 2011, the Supreme Court of British Columbia granted a temporary injunction that would prevent the Council of Natural Medicine College of Canada and Shanghai TCM College of BC Canada Ltd from contravening the Degree Authorization Act and the Health Professions Act of British Columbia.

Vancouver University Worldwide: On May 1, 2007, the Supreme Court of British Columbia granted a permanent injunction that prevents Vancouver University Worldwide (Raymond Rodgers, Vancouver University Colleges Society, Geo Vancouver University Colleges Corporation) from:

  • Granting or conferring a degree
  • Selling, offering for sale, or advertising for sale a diploma, certificate, document or other material that implies the granting or conferring of a degree in British Columbia

Review the details of the ruling:

Rutherford University: In May 2007, an institution inspection confirmed that Rutherford College was also operating an online university without authority under the Degree Authorization Act. As a result, Rutherford College ceased all its activities in British Columbia in 2007.

Institutional Closures

Under the Degree Authorization Act, institutions that are closing must refund tuition to students for courses that were paid in advance but not delivered.

Students at institutions that close should attempt to continue their studies at another institution – they may be able to transfer any or all of their credits.

Lansbridge University – Closed May 1, 2007: Contact CUBE Global Storage for official transcripts:

PO Box 1261
Victoria, B.C. V8W 2T6
Phone: 250-727-9811
Toll Free: 1-800-661-0272
Fax: 250-479-5716

Upper Iowa University – Closed April 11, 2007: Request official transcripts from:

Upper Iowa University
605 Washington Street
P.O. Box 1857
Fayette, Iowa 52142
Toll Free: 1-800-553-4150

Institutions Not Authorized to offer Degree Level Programming, use the word "University," or Grant Degrees in British Columbia

The following list of institutions that do not have authority under the British Columbia Degree Authorization Act.  This list is maintained by the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills for the protection of the citizens of British Columbia and current and prospective students. The institutions on the list have claimed to provide a program leading to a degree or grant degrees in or from British Columbia.

  • Alternative Medicine Research Institute
  • American Liberty University
  • American University of London (Kingston College)
  • Armstrong University
  • Asia Pacific International Graduate School of Management
  • Austin College
  • Bible University
  • Bircham International University
  • Brainwells University
  • Brixton University
  • Canada International Education Center
  • Canada Princeton College
  • Canadian College of Management and Technology
  • Canadian Institute of English
  • Can-National Business College (formerly Canada Institute of Business & Technology and HGK International Institute of Business & Technology)
  • Caribbean Medical University (Trillium Medical Education Consultants)
  • Covenant Life College
  • Distance Learning University
  • European Graduate School (Vancouver School of Bodywork & Massage; Vancouver School of Expressive Arts Therapy)
  • Generale Polytechnic Institute
  • Generale University
  • George Washington University Inc
  • Information University of America
  • International Academic Correspondence Inc.
  • Kennedy Open University
  • Manhattan University
  • Merlion International University
  • Mission Institute of Canada
  • Mission Institute of Distance Education
  • Montreal International Center for Management (MICM)
  • Neurontology University
  • Newton University
  • North West International Higher Education Institute operating as Northwest International University
  • Rutherford University
  • Saint Michael University
  • Senior University Inc.
  • Southern College British Columbia
  • Stanton University
  • Stratford International University
  • The Distance University
  • The Open University of America
  • University Consortium International Inc.
  • University of Northern Washington
  • University of NorthWest
  • Vancouver University Worldwide
  • Washington College & University
  • Western Imperial College of Canada
  • Weston Reserve University
  • Windsor Education Academy, Inc.
  • Yoga University

This is not a comprehensive list and new institutions claiming a connection to British Columbia can emerge at any time.  Anyone with information, questions or concerns about the authority of any institution claiming to offer degree programs and operate in or from British Columbia may contact the Ministry at (250) 356-5406 or

Contact information

For more information, contact the Degree Quality Assessment Board Secretariat, Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills

3rd Fl, 835 Humboldt St, Victoria BC V8V 4W8
PO Box 9177 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria BC V8W 9H8