Cannabis store record keeping

Last updated on September 19, 2024

Find information and rules about the records you must keep in your retail cannabis business.

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This page summarizes record-keeping requirements for Cannabis Retail Store (CRS) and Producer Retail Store (PRS) licensees. Please refer to the relevant licence handbook for the most complete and updated information.


Record-keeping is an important part of your retail cannabis business. This checklist can help you keep track of the records you must maintain in your business.


Requirements for all records:

  • Must be available for inspection
  • May be digital or hard copy
  • Keep records organized and legible
  • Records must be kept for six years. If your licence is cancelled or transferred prior to that, you must keep records for six months beyond the cancellation or transfer.
  • If you hold more than one licence, you must keep one set of records for each licence
  • Must not contain any false or misleading information or fail to disclose a material fact

List of records you must keep:

Cannabis purchases

  • Invoices for cannabis purchased directly from the Liquor Distribution Branch (LDB) or from a federal licence holder through the LDB’s direct delivery program.
  • Best practices:
    • Keep all receipts and invoices for cannabis purchased and received in chronological order
    • Keep cannabis receipts and invoices separate from non-cannabis products
    • Photocopy or scan receipts printed on thermal paper to protect the record from fading over time

Cannabis transfers

Cannabis may be transferred between retail stores if the licences of both stores are held by the same licensee. Transfer records must contain the following information:

  • Licence number of each store
  • Name and address of each store
  • Name and contact number or email address for the licensee or an employee operating each store
  • Date of transfer 
  • Total weight of cannabis transferred (in kilograms)
  • The total price paid to the government for that cannabis (total amount of each transfer)
  • For each product transferred, list the following information:
    • Name
    • Class of cannabis (For example, dried flower, concentrate, beverage, etc.)
    • LDB SKU
    • Number of units transferred
    • Unit weight from the original package (in kilograms)
    • Price paid to the government per unit

Cannabis register

The cannabis register consists of records of cannabis purchased and received including cannabis transfers. A licensee must keep a cannabis register and these records must be available for inspectors at all times.

A licensee who has more than one licence must keep a separate cannabis register for each licence.


A licensee may accept free cannabis samples from a federal licence holder, marketing licensee or another cannabis store licensee. A licensee may also share product samples they received from a federal licence holder or marketing licensee with another cannabis store licensee. These samples are for the licensee or their staff to try.

Records of samples received must include the following information:

  • Excise tax number from the sample package
  • The LDB SKU
  • Date the sample was received
  • The name and licence number of the federal licence holder, marketing licensee, or other cannabis store licensee who provided the sample
  • Amount of cannabis received for each class of cannabis in the sample

Records of samples provided to another cannabis store licensee must include the following information:

  • Excise tax number from the sample package
  • The LDB SKU
  • Date the sample was provided
  • The name and licence number of the cannabis store licensee that received the sample
  • Amount of cannabis provided for each class of cannabis in the sample


Disposal records must account for cannabis disposed of by the licensee or their staff. Disposal records must include the following information:

  • Date of disposal
  • Location of disposal
  • Method of disposal
  • Type of cannabis disposed of
  • Amount of cannabis disposed of (or number of plants disposed of)

Smell or touch jars

A licensee may open packages of cannabis to put in smell and touch jars. The following information must be recorded:

  • Excise stamp number from the original packaging of the cannabis
  • Date the cannabis was purchased
  • Invoice number of the order for the purchase of the cannabis
  • Date the packaging was opened
  • If applicable:
    • Amount of cannabis remaining in the opened package
    • Amount of cannabis taken from the opened package to replenish the smell/touch jar
    • A running balance of cannabis remaining in the opened package


The licensee must keep sales records of:

  • Cannabis
  • Cannabis accessories (Items used in the consumption of cannabis such as rolling papers, pipes, etc.)
  • Prepaid purchase cards (i.e. gift cards)

Cannabis sales records must include the following information:

  • Quantity sold
  • Price charged

Sales to another retail store licensee

Sale of cannabis by one retail store to another retail store may be permitted by the LCRB in specific circumstances (see the information section of part 4, division 4 of the licence handbook for examples).

Records of sales to another retail store licensee must include the following information:

  • Written confirmation from the LCRB that the sale has been approved
  • The licence number of the retail store selling the cannabis and the licence number of the retail store purchasing the cannabis
  • Name and address for each retail store involved in the transaction
  • Name and contact number or email address for each retail store licensee (or applicant, if the person is in process of applying for a retail store licence)
  • Date of the cannabis licence transfer (if applicable)
  • Date of cannabis sale or purchase
  • The total price charged for the cannabis
  • Total weight of cannabis sold or purchased (in kilograms)
  • The total price paid to the government for that cannabis
  • For each product sold or purchased, list the following information:
    • Name
    • Class of cannabis (For example, dried flower, concentrate, beverage, etc.)
    • LDB SKU
    • Number of units sold or purchased
    • Unit weight from the original package (in kilograms)
    • Price paid to the government per unit


A licensee must keep records of contracts with delivery service providers and common carriers. In addition, each cannabis delivery must be recorded, and the following information included:

  • Date and time of the delivery
  • Date on which the cannabis is provided to a common carrier (i.e. delivery company) (if applicable)
  • Name of the delivery service provider or common carrier who makes the delivery on the licensee’s behalf (if applicable)
  • Address or location for the delivery
  • Quantity of each cannabis product delivered
  • Price charged for each product
  • Delivery fee
  • Name and signature of the person who receives the delivery

Incident records

A licensee must keep records of incidents that adversely affect customers, staff or people who live or work in buildings adjacent to the establishment, or the operation of the establishment. This includes incidents in or near the establishment, or incidents outside the establishment while delivering cannabis. Incident records must contain the following information:

  • Date and time of the incident
  • Description of the incident
  • Names or a description of the people involved in the incident
  • Names of any employees who witnessed the incident
  • Any action taken by the licensee or their employee
  • Relevant sales records
  • Any other relevant information, including witness statements.

For examples of incidents that must be recorded, see the licence handbook (information section of part 3, division 4).

Employee information

A licensee must keep records about their employees including:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Compensation (wage/salary)
  • Primary job responsibilities
  • Shift schedules
  • Dates of employment

Selling It Right

The following people must have a valid Selling It Right certificate:

  • The licensee
  • Staff involved in selling cannabis
  • Staff who supervise the sale of cannabis (managers/supervisors)

The licensee must keep records that contain the following information:

  • Name of person
  • Selling It Right certificate number
  • Expiry date of the certificate

Other record requirements

A licensee must keep the following information:

  • Contracts with other licensees
  • Management contracts related to the establishment and records establishing or modifying an arrangement respecting ownership and control requirements
  • Invoices and purchase receipts for all equipment and other inventory used in the operation of the establishment
  • Records of court orders and judgements against the licensee respecting the sale, supply or production of cannabis or cannabis accessories
  • Records of cannabis that is recalled by the LDB or returned to the LDB

Related documents

Cannabis Retail Store Licence Handbook (PDF, 319KB)

Producer Retail Store Licence Handbook (PDF, 606KB)

Contact information

Contact the cannabis policy team. 

Cannabis policy