Delivering cannabis

Last updated on September 19, 2024

Find information and rules about delivering cannabis orders.

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This page summarizes information about cannabis delivery requirements for Cannabis Retail Store (CRS) and Producer Retail Store (PRS) licensees. Please refer to the relevant licence handbook for the most complete and updated information.

Licensees must follow any relevant local government or Indigenous Nation bylaws and provincial rules.

Preparing for the delivery

  • Customers may order cannabis for delivery in store, online or by phone. These orders must be prepared by the licensee or their employee inside the licenced retail store. When preparing orders, you must prevent:
    • The contents of the order being visible before opening the order
    • The order from opening during transport
    • Items from being removed prior to being delivered
  • Cannabis orders must be delivered by the licensee or their employee, a delivery person or a common carrier.
    • A common carrier or delivery person must be age 19 or older
    • A delivery person must have a valid Selling it Right certificate
  • You may only deliver cannabis from the store it was purchased from. You may not fulfill the order from a different store.
  • You must receive payment for the order before the order leaves the store. You must not collect payment at the time of delivery.
  • If you charge a delivery fee, the customer must be informed about product costs and delivery fees when the order is placed. A delivery person or common carrier cannot charge a delivery fee to the customer.
  • A delivery person or common carrier must not contact the customer to sell additional products for delivery with the order.

Transporting the delivery

  • Cannabis must be delivered between 9 a.m. and 11 p.m., and must follow any limits set by the local government or Indigenous Nation about retail store operating hours or cannabis delivery hours.
  • Cannabis must only be delivered within B.C.
    • Cannabis orders can either be delivered to the address specified by the customer or delivered as ‘curbside pickup’ (i.e., delivered to a location immediately outside the store) by the licensee or their employee
    • Drive-through window pickup is not permitted
  • If a licensee or their employee is delivering the order, they must carry a copy of their licence during the delivery.
  • Cannabis orders must be transported securely.
  • Minors cannot be in the delivery vehicle while making deliveries.
  • If a common carrier is transporting cannabis for delivery, the cannabis must be inaccessible to the driver of the vehicle while the vehicle is moving and packaging must meet the requirements under the Cannabis Act (Canada).

Completing the delivery

  • A cannabis order can be delivered to the customer or another adult acting on the customer’s behalf.
  • When the cannabis order is delivered, the name and signature from the customer (or another adult accepting the order on the customer’s behalf) must be obtained.
    • If the name and signature from the person accepting the delivery cannot be obtained, the cannabis must not be delivered and must be returned to the licensed retail store
  • A cannabis licensee must not deliver or sell cannabis to a minor.
  • A cannabis licensee must not provide cannabis, including by delivery, to any person who is intoxicated or showing signs of intoxication from alcohol or drugs.
  • If a delivery cannot be completed by a licensee, their employee or a delivery person for any reason, the order must be returned to the store the same day.
    • It is good practice to consider what time the delivery schedule begins and ends so that undelivered orders can be returned to the store on time
  • If a common carrier cannot deliver the cannabis order, the cannabis must be returned to the store. In this case, the cannabis may be returned to the store on the same day or on a different day. 

Record keeping

A licensee must keep records of cannabis deliveries. Records must contain the following information:

  • Date and time of the delivery
  • Date and time the cannabis was provided to a common carrier for delivery (if applicable)
  • Name of the delivery service provider or common carrier who made the delivery (if applicable)
  • Address or location for the delivery
  • Quantity of each cannabis product delivered, and the price charged for that product
  • Delivery fee (if one was charged)
  • Name and signature of the person who received the delivery
  • A licensee must keep records of contracts with delivery service providers and common carriers

Records must be kept for six years. If your licence is cancelled or transferred prior to that, you must keep records for six months beyond the cancellation or transfer.

Policy documents

Cannabis Retail Store Licence Handbook (PDF, 319KB)

Producer Retail Store Licence Handbook (PDF, 606KB)

  • Part 4, division 5 (delivery service)
  • Section 3.4.2 (record keeping), 3.4.4 (delivery records)
  • Part 4, division 4 (products that can be sold, maximum transaction amounts)

Contact information

Contact the cannabis policy team. 

Cannabis policy