In most cases, you must apply to the Registrar of Security Services for permission to possess body armour. You will be asked to demonstrate your need for the armour and you will be required to undergo criminal record, police information, and correctional service information checks.
There are, however, circumstances when you may possess body armour without a permit.
You can possess body armour without a permit while performing your job if you are a:
You may also possess body armour without a permit if you hold a valid firearms licence issued under the Firearms Act (Canada).
If you do not meet the conditions listed above but believe you need to possess body armour because you are at risk of imminent harm, submit an application for a 90-day exemption to the Registrar.
To extend your current exemption, submit an Application for an Exemption from the Requirement to have a Body Armour Permit to the Registrar.
If you can legally possess body armour without a permit or you have an exemption, you must provide the licensed salesperson you are purchasing armour from with one of the following valid pieces of photo identification:
You must also provide the salesperson with:
When your licensed security employment or your exemption ends you must: