Emissions are a type of air pollution. They are any kind of substance released into the air from natural or human sources, flows of gases, liquid droplets or solid particles.
Not all emissions become air pollutants, but many do, causing significant health and environmental problems. The amount of air pollutants in an area depends on the number and size of emission sources, along with the weather and topography of the land.
Industrial Emissions are from industrial facilities.
Transportation Emissions come from all types of motorized vehicles including cars, trucks, buses, airplanes, trains, and ships.
Point sources are stationary industrial facilities such as pulp and paper mills and factories that burn fossil fuels. They operate under ministry authorization (a regulation, permit, approval, or code of conduct), or under an air discharge permit issued by Metro Vancouver
Area sources are stationary sources that are not normally required to obtain a discharge permit from the ministry. These sources include prescribed burning, residential wood use, light industry, and other residential, commercial and institutional sources. Emissions from most of these area sources are small compared to point sources, but can be significant when considered as a group.
Mobile sources include motor vehicles mainly involved in the transportation of people and goods like cars and trucks, aircraft, marine vessels, trains, off-road vehicles, and small off-road engines like lawn mowers and construction vehicles.
Natural sources of emissions occur in nature without the influence of human beings, such as wildfires, plants, wildlife and marine aerosol.
These estimate and compile emissions released into an airshed.
Federal inventories:
Provincial inventories: