Explore what local governments and Modern Treaty Nations are saying about their climate action.
View the raw survey data (XLSX, 172KB)
This Local Government Climate Action Program dashboard allows the user to view the results for the entire dataset (all local governments and Modern Treaty Nations in B.C.) or filter the data based on a specific municipality/Modern Treaty Nation, regional district, or economic development region. Additionally, users can filter based on community size.
Term | Term definition |
Community size - large | >50,000 residents, defined by 2020 BC Stats population |
Community size - medium | 15,000-50,000 residents, defined by 2020 BC Stats population |
Community size - small | <15,000 residents, defined by 2020 BC Stats population |
FTEs working on climate | Full-time equivalent staffing positions dedicated to working on climate action, including positions where climate is not built into their job description or where only a portion of their work relates to climate action (for example, 0.25 FTEs might be accounted for if a staff member works on climate action only 25% of their time). |
HRVA | Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability Analysis |
Most significant risks identified | Program participants were asked to identify the three most significant climate risks and impacts facing their communities. The data displayed should be interpreted as the number of program participants that identified a given risk or impact as being most significant. |
Traditional services emissions | Emissions from corporate operations or the delivery of traditional local government and Modern Treaty Nation services. For more information, view the LGCAP Traditional Services Reporting Emissions Boundaries and Scope Guidance (PDF, 1.1MB). |
We are dedicated to sharing useful information about local government climate action. Please contact us if you have any questions about the dashboard or raw data, or suggestions for improvement.