Government Actions Regulation

Last updated on August 8, 2024

Under the Forest and Range Practices Act, the Government Actions Regulation (GAR) directs how the B.C. provincial government establishes land designations or stewardship measures for forest and range values.

Types of decisions supported by the GAR:

  • Decisions about categories of species, including
    • Species at risk
    • Regionally important wildlife
    • Ungulates
  • Decisions that trigger practice requirements for protection of
    • Wildlife
    • Resource features
    • Wildlife habitat features
    • Temperature sensitive streams
  • Land use decisions for designating, managing, or protecting
    • Wildlife habitat areas
    • Ungulate winter ranges
    • Community watersheds
    • Fisheries sensitive watersheds
    • Lakeshore management zones
    • Scenic areas

Ministerial Orders

The actions covered by the GAR are carried out by public officials with ministerial authority.

Persons who are preparing an order for stewardship of a resource value under the GAR should consider the need for government action, and the potential interactions with other government actions, before submitting the order. Forest and range tenure holders who will be affected by an order must be provided an opportunity for review and comment on the proposed action.

Ministerial orders establishing designations for the special management of watersheds, fish and wildlife habitat:

Ministerial orders establishing designations for the special management of visual quality and resource features:

Coast Area

North Area

South Area

Delegations & Designations

Authority for decisions, duties and responsibilities required in natural resource legislation has been transferred to public officials through delegations, designations, appointments or deputizations.