An authorization may be required to:
There are 4 types of authorizations under the Integrated Pest Management Act and the Integrated Pest Management Regulation:
Before using any pesticides:
Before you apply, first confirm that you need a licence:
To apply for a pesticide licence, you need:
There are 2 options to apply for your licence.
If you make changes to your licence information after it's issued:
In general, confirmations are necessary for large-scale industrial operations:
To apply for a pesticide use confirmation, you must first:
Resources for applying for a pesticide use confirmation:
Once your PMP is complete, you can apply for your confirmation:
Certain pesticide uses require a permit instead of a confirmation or a licence:
Resources for applying for a pesticide use permit:
When you're ready to apply for a pesticide use permit, submit the Pesticide Use Permit Application Form (PDF, 435KB).
For questions about legislation or regulation, contact the Integrated Pest Management Program: