On this page:
Carmanah floodplain (CAF) photographs and spatial files
(A) Understory vegetation and (B) coarse woody debris and snags in the Carmanah Floodplain (CAF) plot.
Spatial files
Carmanah Floodplain 2007 G.I.S. Spatial File.
Carmanah Flooodplain Orthophoto.
Clayoquot Riparian (CLF) plot photoraphs and spatial files.
Understory vegetation and elevated trees at the Clayoquot Riparian (CLF) plot.
Tagged coarse woody debris at the Clayoquot Riparian (CLF) plot.
Spatial files
Clayoquot Riparian 2009 G.I.S. Spatial File.
Clayoquot Riparian Orthophoto.
Kitlope Floodplain and Douglas Fir plots photographs and spatial files.
Kitlope Floodplain spatial files
Kitlope Floodplain 2008 G.I.S. Spatial File.
Kitlope Floodplain Orthophoto.
Kitlope Douglas Fir photographs
(A) heading up the escarpment to the plot, about 350 m above the Kitlope River; (B) the crew mapping tree locations and characteristics; and (c) an understory vegetation plot
Kitlope Douglas Fir spatial files
Kitlope Doug-fir 2008 G.I.S. Spatial File.
Kitlope Doug-fir Riparian Orthophoto.
Pacific Rim
Pacific Rim photographs and spatial files.
The crew taking a break in the Pacific Rim Upland (PRU) plot.
Spatial files
Pacific Rim Upland 2007 G.I.S. Spatial File. Click image to expand.
Pacific Rim Upland Orthophoto.
Tahsish-Kwois floodplain and upland spatial files.
Tahsish-Kwois floodplain
Tahsish-Kwois Floodplain 1992 G.I.S. Spatial File.
Tahsish-Kwois Floodplain Orthophoto.
Tahsish-Kwois upland spatial files
Tahsish-Kwois Upland 1992 G.I.S. Spatial File.
Tahsish-Kwois Upland Orthophoto.