Wildlife Data Submission Templates

Last updated on September 9, 2024

Photo by Jesse Patterson

All survey data must be submitted in the appropriate data template in MS Excel format. Refer to data template guidelines (PDF) for additional instructions on entering your data into a template. 


Bat Acoustic Template

This template is for surveys that involve detecting the acoustic signals from bats.

Download the Bat Acoustic Template (Version 2021-11-19) (XLSM)


Biological Sample Collection Template

This template is designed to record information about biological samples (e.g., hair, blood, pellets, environmental DNA) that are collected and subsequently analyzed to determine species and other attributes.

Download the Biological Sample Collection Template (Version 2021-11-19) (XLSM)


Bird Call Playback Template 

This template is for surveys that involve playing recordings of birds to elicit a response. 

Download the Bird Call Playback Template (Version 2022-05-16) (XLSM)


Bird Nest Survey Templates

These templates are designed to record information about observations of bird nests detected during targeted surveys, such as northern goshawk nest searches. The Nest and Tree Description template allows surveyors to submit data describing nest type, height, aspect, material, condition, and other attributes of the nest itself, while the Nest Visit template allows surveyors to record information on the status of the nest (i.e., occupancy, associated species, number of hatchlings, number of fledglings). In both templates the nest location is recorded and treated as a sample station.

Download the Bird Nest & Tree Description Template (Version 2021-11-19) (XLSM)

Download the Bird Nest Visit Template (Version 2021-11-19) (XLSM)


General Survey Templates

Most inventories will use the general survey template. You can record information about an individual including behavior, sex, or age. You can also record animal sign or habitat features. Inventories that use this template may include:

  • Bird auditory surveys 
  • Bat mist netting
  • Reconnaissance surveys
  • Radar surveys
  • Wildlife salvage
  • Winter track counts

General surveys are designed to use either blocks, transects, or sample stations. Select the survey design that you are using.

General Survey Using Blocks

Single Blocks: typically, for wildlife salvage and reconnaissance surveys the complete area of interest is defined as one block. For example, you just need to check a pond for toads. In this case, the pond is your one and only block.

Multiple Blocks: Formal block designs are used when comparisons are desired between the blocks.  For example, biologists may initially stratify a study area into distinct habitat types in order to compare them. Or in a pre-stratification exercise, they may wish to classify the habitat by high, medium, and low quality because they want to sample each habitat quality differently. Sometimes blocks correspond to management units, park boundaries, or wildlife habitat areas to target information needs for management.

Download the General Survey Block Template (Version 2021-11-19) (XLSM)

General Survey Using Transects

Transects are widely used when the objective is to systematically examine the distribution of species over a varied landscape. Transects are often oriented perpendicular to a gradient in the habitat such as elevation in order to study species habitat correlations. Transects may also be used because they are a straightforward and easy way to systematically sample along a road or a river.

Download the General Survey Transects Template (Version 2021-11-19) (XLSM)

General Survey Using Sample Stations

Surveys that use systematically placed sample station from which initial observations of a species are made. In inventories such as grizzly bear and marten DNA sampling, the location of the sample station itself constitutes the position of the observation. In call playback studies, after initial contact with an individual is made, more precise locations of the individual are determined by seeking out the individual or by triangulation of the call. Inventories that use the use this method type include:

  • Call playback
  • Murrelet radar sampling
  • Standwatches
  • Frog auditory sampling
  • DNA-based population estimates

Download the General Survey Sample Stations Template (Version 2021-11-19) (XLSM)


Plant & Lichen Template

This template is designed to record information about observations of plants and lichens detected during inventory projects and rare plant surveys. Areas searched are recorded as Blocks, which are described in the Wildlife Data General Survey templates. Information about site descriptions and associated species, incidental observations (including animals), and vouchering can be recorded.

For further guidance about survey design refer to section titled "Survey Design" within the RISC document Species Inventory Fundamentals (PDF). For further guidance about survey methods for rare plants refer to Survey Methods for Rare Plants and Lichens Standards for Components of British Columbia’s Biodiversity No. 43.

Download the Plant & Lichen Template (Version 2018-05-28) (XLSM)


Survey Summary Worksheet

The Survey Summary worksheet is used to record value-added information such as data summaries, statistics, or population parameters from surveys. Survey Summaries are applicable to all surveys and therefore the worksheet will be included in all templates published after November 2020. (Detailed observation-level data must still be entered into worksheet Survey Observations of an appropriate template.)

You can obtain a copy of the Survey Summary worksheet here:

Download the Survey Summary Worksheet (Version 2020-12-10) (XLSM)


Ungulate Demographics Templates 

These demographics templates for ungulates are used for all surveys involving statistical data relating to ungulate populations, age or sex-classes within a population. You can record information about the number, age, and sex of animals seen in a group.

Inventory methods that use this template include: 

  • Ungulate aerial surveys
  • Ungulate spotlight counts
  • Strip surveys
  • Mule deer composition surveys 

Ungulate surveys are often designed to use either blocks or transects. If you are sampling the entire Study Area but are not delineating Blocks, then that is defined as using 1 single block that is equivalent to the entire Study Area. 

Select the template that fits your species and survey design. 

Download the Caribou Demographics Blocks Template (Version 2021-11-19) (XLSM)

Download the Ungulate Demographics Blocks Template (Version 2022-03-29) (XLSM)

Download the Ungulate Demographics Transects Template (Version 2022-03-29) (XLSM)


Wildlife Camera Template

This template is designed to record information obtained through the use of wildlife cameras (remote cameras, camera traps), including camera set-up/configuration, deployment locations, photographs, species observations, human use, and other attributes.

Download the Wildlife Camera Template (Version 2021-11-19) (XLSM)


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