Submit Inventory Projects & Surveys

Last updated on September 10, 2024

pPhoto by Jared Hobbs

Use the provincial submissions site to:

  • Submit reports, datasets (that include a date, a count and spatial locations), spatial files, maps, photos and other supporting documents
  • Register inventory projects
  • Track submissions
  • Archive important works such as review articles, management summaries and standard scientific research reports
  • Share your data and information with the BC Conservation Data Centre, BC Frogwatch, and BC Wildlife Health programs

Copies of your project files will be archived and made available for download from the Species Inventory Web Explorer in the same format that they were submitted. 



The Government of BC has transitioned to a new SharePoint Online (SPO) service, which has applied to the Wildlife Species Inventory SharePoint Submission as of December 2023. The former Wildlife Species Inventory 2016 SharePoint Submission Site is no longer available.

To access to the new SharePoint Online (SPO) submission site:

  • Send an email to request access with a brief description of why access is needed or request access through the new Wildlife Species Inventory SharePoint Online Submission Site.
  • You will receive an email invitation with a link to the new submission site, once access is approved.
  • Any in-progress submission(s) in the former submission site associated to the user will be identified by the SPI Mail team and communicated to the user, to ensure in-progress submission(s) are attached to users' profile in the new submission site.

NOTE: The email address you use to send the request will be what we use to set up your access, please ensure you make the request from the appropriate e-mail address. BCeIDs are no longer required for submitting, your permissions are linked to your email.


Step 1: Make sure you collect species inventory data following provincial guidelines and standards

Be sure to include:

  • Project registration and survey definition via the submission site
  • A PDF or MS Word report
  • Data in a standard template, including user-defined fields or analyses added to the template workbook
  • A shape or spatial file of study area boundaries and any sampling units using the spatial data template
  • Any additional shape files, maps, documents or analysis spreadsheets that support or augment your project (e.g. photographs, maps, PowerPoint presentations, copies of public relations material, etc.)

Study area boundaries, block boundaries, transects, and flight lines are examples of information best presented as GIS spatial data. All submitted spatial data must be in the spatial data template.

Step 2: Once you have access to the site and log in, you will need to:

  • Register your project
  • Describe your surveys
  • Load your template with your data, reports other documents and files
  • Submit the loaded templates, reports and other documents or files

Note: Submissions are linked to the email address used to initiate your access to the submission site  be sure to use the same one when you log in so that you can see all of your submissions.

Log in to the submissions site

Troubleshooting: If you're receiving an unauthorized error, try configuring your web browser to "prompt for user name and password" (see your browser's security settings).

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