Chilanko Marsh Wildlife Management Area

Last updated on January 21, 2025

Date Designated: June 11, 1987

Purpose: Conservation of critical, internationally significant habitat for year-round, migrating and wintering waterfowl populations, along with important fish and marine mammal habitat.

Size: 883 hectares

Region: Cariboo

Nature and culture

Fish and Wildlife: The wetland component of the WMA provides important feeding and breeding habitat for a wide range of waterfowl species including Canada Goose, Mallard, Pintail, Wigeon, Teal, Goldeneye and Ruddy Ducks, as well as many marsh and shorebird species. In addition, Muskrat, Beaver and Mink utilize the marsh and adjacent uplands.  The upland component provides habitat for Sharptailed Grouse, Moose, Mule Deer, Coyote and Wolf. 

Physiography, Climate and Vegetation: Chilanko Marsh is a floodplain located at the junction of Tatla Lake Creek and the Chilanko River. The WMA includes some adjacent upland areas; mainly gently rolling grasslands with some pine forests, willow thickets and aspen stands. The WMA is also located within the Chilcotin Plateau ecosection and includes both Chilcotin Interior Douglas-fir and Sub-boreal Pine and Spruce biogeoclimatic zones. Rare plant elements found in the WMA include Short-beaked Sedge and Dwarf Clubrush. The water regime of the Chilanko River has been modified by Ducks Unlimited Canada to enhance waterfowl habitat.

Planning and management

Information on management direction and possible restrictions on visitor activities are available from the conservation Lands regional contacts.

Management Partners

Location and Maps
map of chilanko marsh

The Chilanko Marsh WMA lies approximately 135 km west of Williams Lake.